Thursday, September 1, 2011


Let's be honest...I'm a bit of a geek. It's ok. I actually don't mind the term. How many women do you know that can't wait for FNM? Right. So. I click to blogger today on a break and start poking around.

I start looking at other blogs...the first one is a guy in Belgium that plays chess...competitively. Cool for him. Not my style, though I do like chess.

I hit next blog and am taken to....another chess site. Um. Ok. 6 pages later, I'm still looking at chess. Interesting that today would be ALL the same kinds of blogs. All about chess. So, I'll leave Blogger to go back to working and hope that maybe in a couple hours I'll find more than chess.

Though I wouldn't mind some blogs about MTG and the new set. LOL

In other news: Working on getting Kid's Quest cohesive and kid friendly. Colorful and full of God's love. I love it. Seriously some of the most fulfilling stuff I've ever done. So blessed. :)