So much can be said with the two words that make the title to this post.
Life is full of change. Life, by definition, is change. Ours has been going through some big ones over the past few months.
Starting in January, much heavier than I ever would have thought I'd get, I made some changes for my family I stopped eating white flour and white sugar. I cut out almost all pasta, and what we did eat was whole wheat. I replaced pasta with veggies and started making a lot of our own foods, so that I knew what was in it. It sounded hard, time consuming, and expensive. The more I did it though, the easier I found it. The less I was spending on food and the fewer things were ending up in the trash. I started to see the change in my feet and hands first, then my thighs and arms.
In March, I found out my Grandma might need open heart surgery. Now, many people wouldn't think twice about this. I haven't really shared a lot in the past couple years with y'all. My Grandfather passed away last summer. Grandma is the last one I have. She's also diabetic and has some other health things going on. So, I was desperately looking for things to help her make it through. From diet to supplements.
Enter Juice Plus+. Now, before you stop reading because you think I'm going to get salesy or like an infomercial, remember that I'm always 100% upfront with y'all. :) I was super skeptical. With all the different things out there promising to be magic pills and potuons, I wasn't going to get my grandma into anything without asking every sales trained question I could. I went to the store and price checked. I nerded out over 30 research papers done with the products lines. I asked Uncle Google about scams and misinformation ( some people need lives. Not to be mean, just stating that some people will complain about anything)
Let's just say, I tested the resolve of the person I was talking to in every way I could think of. She didn't waiver, she connected me to board certified doctors, athletes, moms...all normal people with the same results.
To date, I've gotten rid of over 60 pounds. I'm down from a size 24 to a size 16. I get better sleep and have much more energy. And, I don't need a cup of tea or coffee every day. I no longer have that dependency.
I partnered with the company because I wanted to help others experience health the way I had. That has been an amazing journey and a true gift. :)
I'm now running my own company, and I'm backed by years of track record.
I started sharing my recipes here. Favorites with a twist of health. I don't deny myself food. I eat pizza here and there, we've had cookies. But, 8 don't feel like I need to eat half a pizza, or a whole carton of cookies. I have a better relationship with food and crave fruits and veggies. My brain has been reprogrammed to what it should be. :) And I'm really happy with that.
And my almost 2 and a half year old...well, he hasn't gotten sick. We didn't get the flu when it came around in June. :)
I'm building two businesses, I'm staying home with Gid, and I'm sharing recipes with y'all. That's what I'm doing. Some changes coming our way, some changes already happening. Life changes. :)
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