Well...Saturday went by kind of uneventfully I guess. I got my reading done and what not. Yesterday...I woke up with horrible nausea and was so dizzy that the world looked like it was leaning left. Still have a bit of weirdness when I stand up...but it's pretty much gone. Was pretty able to get reading done as well. So...today is another devo!! Yay!
Title: When you don't know what to do
Key Verse: "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." 2 Chron 20:12b
The blog talks about all the worries and issues that face us. How we dwell on them and really allow them to affect our lives. I know I'm super guilty of this (as the disagreement with B this morning shows). I do not have a normal 9 to 5 job and we have bills, B works, but not as much as he'd like. It's part time and minimum wage. We are thankful for the income we do have. We live with my Dad, Ama and little brother. It can get a bit tense as it's really two sets of households with all that that means, trying to exist as one. We are thankful for what we have.
When it comes to getting everything done that we need to get done though, some things fall by the wayside. I stress and sometimes that comes out in a very harsh way. Am I being stubborn and just worrying instead of trusting God? I'm so guilty of giving things to God and then taking them back. How is it, that I can trust my husband to God but take back all the issues that crowd in around us? How can I experience true joy if I am holding myself down?
The application steps:
Write out and post today's key verse in various places around your house, car, and workplace. Commit it to memory.
Imagine that each one of your concerns is a single rock. For example, I imagined my worry about the quality of mom's nursing care was a rock. Next, imagine placing that rock in Jesus' open hands. Feel the weight of that specific burden lifted from your hand to Jesus' strong and compassionate hands. Feel the relief and whisper this prayer for each concern: Lord, thank You that I can trust You to carry this burden for me.
Share your burden with a friend. Confide in her and ask her to pray for you.
Read all of 2 Chronicles 20 for more help when you don't know what to do.
Am I trying to solve the problem myself or am I asking God for wisdom, help, and direction?
Well, I guess we know the answer to this one huh? LOL So, I need to endevour to be better at this. I think I've gotten better as time has gone on...but I'm not nearly where I need to be.
Are my eyes focused on the problem or on God?
Gotten better at focusing on God...just need to do it more ;)
Do I truly believe that God can take care of my situation?
Yes! Oh goodness yes!
God, help me to rely less on me and more on you. I've learned that everything is yours and you do what you want with it. Obviously, there's a plan here that I just can't see and need to let go of what I think needs to happen and just trust that you'll make it happen.
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