Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Daily Dose

Good morning! Yes, it is in fact 4:40 in the morning! :)

Though I haven't gotten the email with the devo for today, I do know what the subject is. (Thank you KLove for having Lisa as your fill in host for Lisa while she's gone :) )

Today the whole devotion is about craving. Do you crave Christ? I think as a Christian, we all know this feeling...we may not even know it!

How many times have I been doing something and reached for food when I wasn't really hungry? When I didn't really need to eat? Or how many times have I reached for the cinnamon gummies instead of the apple? It's a struggle. A lot of Lisa's talks are about losing weight, she's written a book and it's all about the right reasons behind weigh loss and setting your mind and soul right before deciding why you're doing something.

I think those principles speak volumes to those of us that have made a commitment to read more of the Bible, to spend more time in the Word or praying...and then fail. You're craving Christ, you're craving and then making excuses when life gets in the way instead of really setting Him first. Look at my days! We've seen me miss almost an entire week of blogging my Daily Dose b/c life got in the way. I still read it...but did I meditate on the things that God was speaking to me? Did I read through it and not take in a word b/c I was also going through the other 20 things I was going to be doing that day? I'm ashamed to admit that last one really...but I have to, because it's truth and God knows it already anyway.

I know I'm human...I just strive to be like Christ. I was doing the reading for church last night in Mark 1 (btw when I reference this now, it's that my church, The Quest, is trying to, as a church, read through just the New Testament in a year) and I came across the verse Mark 1:35, " Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." (NIV) Jesus spent time with the Father...Christ talked to God alone. If I'm trying to be like Christ, isn't this thing one of the most important. Christ was fully God ...He was also fully man and in that, he prayed...early in the morning, alone.

So, the next time I reach for comfort, it'll be the Bible, I have plenty of reading to do :)

What's your crutch?


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