Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Daily Dose

Good morning!

This is going to be a quick one as I have already gotten ready and to work today.

Today's devotion is titled : Keeping My New Year Resolution to Myself
Verse: 1 Kings 20:11

In the devotion Glynnis talks of how sometimes, by telling other people that we have a resolution, we take pleasure and have pride in that...instead of actually doing the work to complete it!

This speaks to me in such a different way. Last year, I resolved to drop a few pounds (I'll explain why I don't say 'lose weight' in a later blog sometime), I told my then fiance and probably my sister. Other than that, I didn't say anything to anyone. I just started eating better and getting up at the crack of dawn to get some physical stuff in. God was so good to me. I did well. I ate better and though I needed encouragement, I did get up every morning. I started to see results...and then I started to tell people. And that was when I started to struggle. I was trying to keep from eating any sort of sweets for at least 3 months...FAT CHANCE! I ended up making excuses.

I think we do the same thing with God sometimes. I'm reading in the New Testament with B (it's a church wide activity) I think I talked about this already, but in Mark 1, we see that Jesus goes and prays by himself. He doesn't tell anyone that he's going to go talk to God or anything like that. In fact, the verse talks about how Jesus did it while it was still dark! Man! And he was the SON OF GOD! If anyone should get a by for's HIM!

So, I want to be the woman God is calling me to be. Seek Him first, work diligently so that others see His glory and be so full of His love that others can't help but feel it.

Father, help me be like Christ. Help me to seek you quietly because it doesn't really matter how many people know, if I'm not doing it, that's between you and me. Help me to keep me accountable. Amen.

Work? Work!


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