Monday, March 7, 2011

The Verse That Made Me Cringe - Lisa Turkhurst

Good morning readers!

Today I am working from home...and it is liberating! LOL

Today's Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19

This devotion is interesting because Lisa uses another story to demonstrate how serious God really is about His temple.

A lot of the time, especially as women, we become complacent in what our body, God's living temple, really is like. As a Christian, I'm convicted day in and day out for the choices I've made in what I"m eating. Don't get me wrong, I don't dwell on the past, I know that won't get me anywhere, but I do think on what I have and have not done. Do I eat like I should? Most of the time, yes...but I definitely don't make the best choices all the time.

I think of this morning and I know I've made good choices...then I look at this afternoon and think - oh my! I need to think on what I'm going to have for it's coming!

The story in Haggai that Lisa goes into talks about how God wanted them to take care of and build His home, but that the Jewish people had come out of Babylon and concerned themselves with their own homes and their own agendas first. This is me! I don't have time to work out today God, I am WAY too busy...right? Wrong! I know that I have time for everything God wants from me...I just choose to do the things that hold more sway (in my mind...sorta) I mean, all of God's plan should be what I concern myself with first and foremost. I'll make excuses for not having time for the mindless....

A lot of my church family are going to take part of a connection group called "Healthy For Life". It's a nutrition course more than anything, but it also talks about how to treat yourself. Yet another group of my church family are all doing P90X...I's crazy! But...when you think about it, they're really trying to care for God's temple.

So, I can make the choice to put more into the temple God has given me, because He has also given me His spirit to dwell in that temple. I can make a choice to also make time for God's wants in my day. Not just my own.

What choices are you going to make?

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