Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Call To Action - Lysa TerKeurst

I am so rebelious. I don't know what to do with myself. There are reasons I'm reading what I'm reading. Yes, I know that these devotions are going out to THOUSANDS of woman. Ever feel like all of them knock the wind out of you?

This particular devotion is SERIOUSLY a call to action. Not to get out and protest anything, but to act for the temple of God...more precisely, the one He gave me. I think I always end up feeling the way I do when I read Lysa's devotions, because when she describes herself, all I can think of are the exact things I'm doing that she's talking about. She's saying my life...that's all there is to it.

“Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.” Romans 14:20a

I have to really sit with that scripture for a moment. I hadn't really thought about what this particular though was saying. I am God's work and I'm craving something so much that I am replacing the leader of my life with food. Ouch. Yes. That's me.

Then she goes on to talk about a couple other verses that I've read (with the ladies of my Tuesday night group even) but it sheds a new light.

Old thought patterns:
“I need these chips. I deserve this ice cream. I must have that extra large portion.”

New thought patterns:
Chips will only taste good for the moment. But the calories are empty and will do nothing good for my body. 2 Corinthians 7:1 reminds me, “…Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit… out of reverence for God.” (NIV 1984)

This ice cream will give me a sugar high but then I’ll crash and feel terrible. Psalm 34:8…reminds me to get into God’s Word and let it satisfy the deep hungry places of my soul, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” (NIV 1984)

This extra large portion will overstuff me and make me feel sluggish. I can’t look to this food to soothe me. Psalm 34:5 says, “Those who look to [God] are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” (NIV 1984)

I'm not strong enough to do it myself, I keep promising myself I will and I keep what do I need to do? Crave and taste of God...He is GOOD and only has the best plans for why have I replaced Him? Is it that much easier to push away the one love that could help?

I sit here tonight needing to get a lot done and while I work furiously, I grab the odd chocolate or snack around. I need to grab on to my Father, with both hands.

Abba, This is the time of year that people make resolutions, I would rather be closer to you than anything else. Help me to reach for you just as much as you reach for me.

I've only posted parts of the devotion here, the scripture and the pieces that go with it above. To read the rest of it, go to and click on the devotion button on the right.

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