So, quite a few months ago, I found out that I was carrying our first little one.
Now, he's coming so fast and I can't really even put in to words how unprepared I feel. I know that I've had to slow down (which I DO NOT LIKE) and I know I've had a lot going on. This week is 32 weeks (8 months) My doctor says that they can say that he'll make it to 36 weeks, but the will not guarantee up to 40 weeks. Ok, duh, but that is 4 weeks shorter than I've been planning for!
We are as ready as we will ever be to have him here. There are time and money concerns now. I know B is trying to figure out juggling all that. His room is not ready. How did this all come up so quickly?
Anyone else have this issue? I've been told that it drags by...but I'm really not feeling that!
On to different stuff ;)
In the next 8 weeks I will be a little quiet (not like that's a surprise or unexpected with the lack of posts lately) I do have plans to at least get up the Christmas presents that I made this past year and the plans for this coming Christmas (yes, I'm already planning that, c'mon, CONTROL freak! ;) )
Am I ready for a change? I think so. Do I know how to make that change? Nope! lol
I need a little...quiet time I think. And maybe time that the little guy isn't pushing all my organs around ;)
Coming up? The first Daily Dose in...A LONG TIME. Also, a post about 7, the book my ladies group is reading. I really wish Blogger had a better mobile app for Blackberry -_-
In a minute guys!
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