aka The Christian Church in America,
First, I need to say I'm sorry. For two reasons. That I haven't spoken up sooner and that what I'm about to say won't be easy to hear. It's not easy to type. Some of you may break up with me for it. And that's ok. You do what you need to do...because I am. I love you too much to watch this happen any longer and stay silent.
So, I've been rolling these thoughts around in my brain, trying to distract myself with making food for tomorrow and playing a little solitaire (what? It's a fun game and a great distraction). I've been trying to find the words to say that I love you...and I'm not sure how you've gotten to where you are. And it's not me, it really is you.
We. Are. Failing.
My dear sweet church. We've somehow gotten to a point where I don't even recognize you sometimes. You're so many different KINDS of groups that I'm not sure if I should call you multi faceted or two faced. How can we really reach anyone if we're so divided? Do you think maybe...just maybe, that's the plan of Satan? Get us all fighting about if we should have padded pews, if Hymns are better than new worship music and if we really should allow women to talk in service. Preaching that if I pay a certain amount (read: small fortune) I will get into Heaven? Tell me where it says that in the Bible? Stop it, you and I both know that I am saved by God's grace alone, my faith gets me there. If I just DID more? Um...my good works are again...a product of my faith. Stop it. No, don't look at me that way.
Did you know, that you used to be known as the best giver? And I don't mean to yourself. Heaven knows you've bought yourself some lovely clothes of granite, marble and glass...but honestly, what happened to the widow and the orphan? Oh, that's right, they don't fit into our ideals of what a Christian looks like. Sure, we talk about helping them, we may even volunteer so we can feel good about ourselves. Any time a child goes to bed hungry, alone or scared...it's on our heads. I'm so serious right now.
Why do we think we're allowed to have a say in who God wants us to connect with? I can't find it in the Gospel.
I'm all about being in fellowship with other Christians, in fact, we're told to be. But why does it have to be such a production? And at such a cost as to drive people that need Jesus away? To get butts in seats? But...um...explain Christians that are still preaching in lands that persecute them. And what do you do with them once they're there? Oh, you let God work on them...right. You look great. All dressed up and showy. Focusing on yourself. But that's not the point of what Jesus did.
Do you know what gets people? What truly makes people come to know God? The authentic Gospel. Nothing more. Not lights and smoke. Not an amazing worship band. They want to see that you love them. That no matter what they look like, what they've done or what's been done to them...that you LOVE them. Why?
A Christian is known by his love.
Plain. Simple. Jesus.
Now here's more of what you won't like. You. Are. A. Pharisee.
Sorry, I'm not sorry. You're holding so tight to the rules that you have of what makes people acceptable, that you're forgetting that we are all sinners. That we all fall short of the glory of the living God. But...God's love. Yep...not yours, not mine...God's. HE chooses your appointments. He puts who He wants in your path, coming through your doors. Jesus didn't tear that veil for us to make ourselves another one that we won't let certain people past. You have these rules that are killing you...why can't you see that?
Simmer down, I'm guilty, too. I've been too long with you and God knows I've struggled these past few years with this exact thing. And I kept thinking it would change. We'd finish focusing on us and then start looking out. But I was wrong. Even the best missions ministry falls far short...because they come back and talk about what God did in them while they were there and how they'll bring that back, but usually don't. What about the people you met? What about the lives that you got the privileged of seeing?
My heart aches for the ability to look at the person with hidden scars, hug them and just say, 'You are sought after by the most amazing love you will ever know." To look at the alcoholic and tell them, "you do not need to drink anymore, you can drink from a well that will fill you. Be healed."
"...but Manda, we have to go about it the right way, we have to set up groups and rules for the groups. We have to set goals...make studies..."
NO. Stop it. There I go...listening to you again. We need to act. Stop. Just stop. You're trying to placate me with your programing and I can't allow that anymore.
I don't want to see your one week missions trip. I want to see weekly letters back and forth from sister congregations set up to thrive. I want to see missionary teams being trained to LIVE where they go. Months, years...I don't care...but a week? And then a pat on the back. You're kidding yourself. You gave their kids candy and put up some walls. What did you do to effect change? Don't just send money, though right now that's what a lot of the world will think will help them. Take Jesus. Give them that! Teach them to read and then act as well. (No, I don't mean, "Look. Jesus helped us do all this...here's a Now n Later!" -_- ) I want to see you actually reaching out to the people in our community...without one single second of judgement for what they're going through or what they're doing. Just be with them, right where they are.
Let's be the unity and love that our world needs...otherwise, I'm not sure we can be together anymore. I'm not leaving God...I'm leaving you. I'm going to get together with my friends, two or more of us...and we're going to talk to God and figure out how to be as authentic as that first church...maybe we'll even learn different languages so that people may know the Glory of God through it. Who knows...
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