" Simon Peter answered him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.'" John 6:68-69 (NIV)
This particular devotion gets to the heart of my next post. Glynis talks about living the "what-better" faith as opposed to the "why-bother" faith. As in, what could be better in my life than knowing my redeemer, the One True God? Where as the why bother faih is centered around a list of rules, you can't do thats and guilt.
Why is the church losing people left and right? Because we're the ones deciding who gets to be in...and who is too terribble to accept. Oh sweet bride of Christ, we are turnig you into what you were never meant to be. In ways, we've made you an idle of brick and concrete.
Is thsi what people see when thy see my walk? Do they see a loved and passionate daughter? Or a woman caught in judgement of others?
I'm scared to actually answer that truthfully...
I'm sick of feeling a piece missing because I'm not just loving. Our culture makes it all but impossible not to judge...but I'm going to state here that I. Am. Changed. The one called I Am changed me. I can not keep goig about and only shining my light where I want and when I want.
Let's show the world what authentic followers of Christ really look like...you can tell them by their love. ;)
P.s. originally written 8/13/13
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