Monday, November 16, 2015

Granola Bar in a Bowl

This post may seem weird, but this is delicious and packed full of goodies. You don't even need to add any sweetener. :) Though B still adds a little brown sugar. LOL

4 cups warm water
2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup raisins
1 or 2 scoops Vanilla Juice Plus+ Complete
2 tablespoons each, Chia Seeds and Flax Seeds
2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon fresh ground Ginger

1. Put all dry ingredients except Vanilla Complete in a pot
2. Pour warm water over all other ingredients
3. Turn heat to medium/medium high, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, remove from heat and cover. Let stand approximately 5 more minutes.
4. Stir in Vanilla Complete. Serve!

My kiddo loves this! Seriously, he was having a cranky day and I mixed one scoop of Vanilla and one scoop of Chocolate complete into this recipe and he ate every last bite. Win!

Changing it up for the next 6 weeks

Hey there everyone!

Just letting you know that you'll see a lot more short recipes popping up on the blog over the next few weeks. Heading into the holiday season, my passion for health kicks into over drive!

On top of hosting an Informational Open House this Thursday for my local people today, at officially halfway through this pregnancy, I'm starting 6 weeks of quick healthy meal posts. I'll post two to three times a week to encourage you to keep thealthy options in your life while enjoying the holiday treats you love!

Post incoming with today's delicious recipe. :)


Lord, I Need A Miracle - Leah Depascal

"I give thanks to you, because you have answered me. You are my savior." Psalm 118:21

The Daily Dose today centers around a miracle in this writer's family, healing and recovery that were unexpected and faster than the doctors could have dreamed.

While I love these kinds of stories, I love when people are healed, I can't help but also thanking God when things don't go the way we think they should.

I give thanks to God, because he answered me. His answers are not always what I want. Earlier this year my faith family lost a bright and shining light. She was an amazing woman with faith through to the end. Her husband is our worship pastor and returned to leading main service worship for our 3 gatherings just weeks after losing his high school sweetheart. God answered us. He gave her ultimate healing and did his will.

Sometimes, as Christians we have a habit of focusing on only the good that comes from our prayers. Almost implying to the non-believer that God is a magical genie that grants wishes to those that are worthy, instead of answering in His will all prayers we send to him.

Yesterday, I took prayer requests from our 5th and 6th grade classes. Many kids asking for healing from cancer for their grandparents, prayer over many different family members having surgery soon...a reoccurring prayer that an uncle would quit smoking. I want more than anything for these kids to understand that our prayers aren't orders for God. We pray when we have worries or issues too big for us, not because every prayer is going to get what we want. I want these kids to know that even if their grandpa doesn't recover from cancer here, that ultimate healing is what comes, and that while we're sad to lose them it's the answer our prayers received.

It's so hard to explain to people the trust I have in God's will. No matter what I know that His will is better than mine. I know that putting all of my will aside will ultimately bring so much more into my life.

So, I give thanks because God has answered me, Jesus is my savior...and His will is perfect. Even if I don't receive the same kinds of miracles others do.

Here are a couple other verses for you today:

Psalm 9:1b, "I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds." (NIV)

1 Chronicles 16:34, "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." (NIV)

Praying for you all and hoping that your November is filled with thanks and peace. :)


Friday, October 2, 2015

Dear Mom's that day again.

It hasn't gotten any easier even though many people said it would. I couldn't sleep, even though I tried to go to bed over an hour ago.

This year is 14 years since you've been gone. Almost half my life so far.

Gideon is huge. I wish you'd have told me how all consuming my love for my kids would be. I know you showed just constantly sinks more and more into my head. Even IF he pooped so much on himself Tuesday at church that I had to ask for a tub of soapy water to clean him while he repeated, "I'm sorry" Oh my sweet 2.5 year old.

You have a fourth grandchild coming...I'm April, the 4thish. We'll see. And this one is giving me a run for my money. Everyone says this one has to be a girl. I wonder what you would say. I can see you kissing their sweet faces and holding little hands as they reached up for you. Giggling at them and making funny faces and sounds like you still did when I was a teenager. Like in the photos. I can see you holding them, asleep on the couch snuggled up and just at so much peace.

I'm 30, almost 31...just like I was 16, almost 17... how did that happen? I can't have gone this many years...

Still madly in love with this crazy man...truly, he drives me absolutely batty sometimes. Then he bakes cookies with Aunt Tracy's recipe and makes me lemonade because I was craving it. You'd like him, you really would. He has a funny laugh, loud...and he's sassy and'd make so much fun of him. :)

I wish I'd had more times to talk about all the things I should know. Like pap smears and the awkward conversations you have with the person doing them. About losing a man you thought was forever...and how desperately women need other women. How I'd find a tribe all my own and how I'd need to cling to them. The love I have for my once very awkward body, even if it hasn't changed all that much. I never really understood your fashion sense when I was still ashamed of what my body looked like. I wear the weirdest stuff now. How the sound of my son's breathing changing could snap me out of any day dream. How absolutely crazy a pregnant woman can be...while still being so vulnerable it hurts. How really amazingly delicious any food can be if you're hungry enough. And the pride at having a place go from four walls to being a home.

How much I would miss you, achingly at times, and with a dull thud at others. There are days I find myself ready to pick up the phone and talk to you....only to realize that there isn't a phone company that can complete that call. Other times I just sit...and remember you. Your silly sideways face, or the laugh that could full and entire room. Your very soft, warm hugs...and cool, wet hands.

And please, don't take this the wrong way, however, I want to out live your time here. Though I don't know how or when I'll go, I try daily to be healthier, eat better, be stronger...for more time with my kids...because I miss you...and have missed you every day for 14 years. I want that time...and I want to give that time to our my portio  of your what has been built...

You propel me forward in so many ways, for so many reasons...and I can't help but wish to reach back through time and grab your wet as it may bring you show it all to you.

I miss you. For the rest of my tomorrows.

Friday, September 25, 2015

I know...I have excuses...

All the time. LOL I told y'all I had good reasons to duck out. :)

We are totally 3 months into round two: Baby Dombroski!

Now that the morning sickness is ebbing and I'm starting to get energy back, you'll have Tasty Tuesday and other things back soon!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Simply put...

I'm taking some me time. I'm sorry that means I missed the last Tasty Tuesday. Rest assured, next Tuesday will have a recipe for Veggie Dillas. You can make them without queso people. :)

I'll share a little more as to why I'm taking some me time in a couple weeks. I'm trying to keep up with Gid and work at the moment, so the me time portion is...interesting. lol

In the mean time, I hope you're still well. I hope life is going along and you are able to find moments of joy. I hope you're happy and healthy. :)

Until the next entry,
M :)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Life Changes

So much can be said with the two words that make the title to this post.

Life is full of change. Life, by definition, is change. Ours has been going through some big ones over the past few months.

Starting in January, much heavier than I ever would have thought I'd get, I made some changes for my family I stopped eating white flour and white sugar. I cut out almost all pasta, and what we did eat was whole wheat. I replaced pasta with veggies and started making a lot of our own foods, so that I knew what was in it. It sounded hard, time consuming, and expensive. The more I did it though, the easier I found it. The less I was spending on food and the fewer things were ending up in the trash. I started to see the change in my feet and hands first, then my thighs and arms.

In March, I found out my Grandma might need open heart surgery. Now, many people wouldn't think twice about this. I haven't really shared a lot in the past couple years with y'all. My Grandfather passed away last summer. Grandma is the last one I have. She's also diabetic and has some other health things going on. So, I was desperately looking for things to help her make it through. From diet to supplements.

Enter Juice Plus+. Now, before you stop reading because you think I'm going to get salesy or like an infomercial, remember that I'm always 100% upfront with y'all. :) I was super skeptical. With all the different things out there promising to be magic pills and potuons, I wasn't going to get my grandma into anything without asking every sales trained question I could. I went to the store and price checked. I nerded out over 30 research papers done with the products lines. I asked Uncle Google about scams and misinformation  ( some people need lives. Not to be mean, just stating that some people will complain about anything)

Let's just say, I tested the resolve of the person I was talking to in every way I could think of. She didn't waiver, she connected me to board certified doctors, athletes, moms...all normal people with the same results.

To date, I've gotten rid of over 60 pounds. I'm down from a size 24 to a size 16. I get better sleep and have much more energy. And, I don't need a cup of tea or coffee every day. I no longer have that dependency.

I partnered with the company because I wanted to help others experience health the way I had. That has been an amazing journey and a true gift. :)

I'm now running my own company, and I'm backed by years of track record.

I started sharing my recipes here. Favorites with a twist of health. I don't deny myself food. I eat pizza here and there, we've had cookies. But, 8 don't feel like I need to eat half a pizza, or a whole carton of cookies. I have a better relationship with food and crave fruits and veggies. My brain has been reprogrammed to what it should be. :) And I'm really happy with that.

And my almost 2 and a half year old...well, he hasn't gotten sick. We didn't get the flu when it came around in June. :)

I'm building two businesses, I'm staying home with Gid, and I'm sharing recipes with y'all. That's what I'm doing. Some changes coming our way, some changes already happening. Life changes. :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Hey there faithful reader!

Stopping by to say I didn't forget about your Tasty Tuesday for yesterday, I was out of town spending some time with family we don't see often enough. I'm off to bed now, however, I will be getting you the tasty you deserve, worry not!

We had so much fun, slept more than I have in a while. On an air mattress, no less. Saw some sights, went to the park. Didn't make it to the beach. Maybe next time. :)

Now, back to conquering the world, one healthy choice at a time. I'll post soon about the businesses, you won't want to miss it! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tasty Tuesday pt. 2: Potato Chowder

Usually I call this potato soup, but I realized it's more of a potato chowder. Either way it's filling and delicious. Hardy for winter nights and even satisfying in the summer.

I have a #lifehack that makes it even easier to do. :) Find it in the ingredients below.

3 medium golden potatoes, cubed
3 to 5 cups oat milk, you can use cow milk here as well.
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 cups Roasted Veggies, see previous recipe. I usually cook extra to make meals quicker. :)

1. In large pot, heat coconut oil and add cubed potatoes over medium heat. Add nutritional yeast, stir well.
2. Bring mixture to temperature and cover, cooking for approximately 15 minutes.
3. Add Roasted Veggies, heat thoroughly. Cover and cook an additional 5 minutes.
4. Remove from heat and add milk slowly to prevent curdling. Stir well.
5. Place on heat again and bring to just boiling.

You're done! Serve and eat! Most people like it with a little cheese, which takes it from Vegan to Vegetarian.  Whichever does it for you, I hope you enjoy this family favorite. :) 

Cleaning up labels.

Looks like I have quite a few different foody labels. I'll be condensing sometime soon. I have My Cookbook and Cookbook, as well as Tasty Tuesday, and Make It Monday. We shall see how this changes.

Last night I got a whole lot of nothing done because Littlest Giant decided he didn't want to sleep soundly.

So, today I'm going to go by a couple tips that should help me get back on track and productive. These come from Eric Worre's Periscope yesterday.

1. Consistency - Be less distracted and change your focus. Set your hours and don't waiver. As a mom of a toddler, this is going to be difficult, however, he's a kid that is used to routine, so maybe we'll work it out better than I'm thinking.

2. Contribution - Provide value. For people on my team, for people I'm talking to about my products.
It's a mindset about serving others, not about myself or my numbers.

3. Skills - Be teachable and trainable. The best teams are also the most skilled. This will mean watching videos, taking notes and putting these skills into practice.

4. Build Your Belief - What kind of belief drives you? This goes back to a mentality of scarcity. When you have that mentality you act out of desperation, not motivation. Get your head right about when you're doing what you're doing and believe in the process.

5. Hard work - Put in your sweat equity. You can feel as though you're doing a lot, but if they're not activities that benefit the mission, are you really that busy? Figure out what are activities that will further the cause. Work on those.

Notice that hard work is the last one. Not because it's not important, because it definitely is the cornerstone of getting yourself going in whatever business you do. You need to establish those other habits to make your hard work count. If you're working hard without direction, you're going to get burnt out and find that you have no time for anyone or anything.

This is me asking y'all to keep me accountable. Ready? I move fast. :)

Tasty Tuesday pt. 1: Oat Milk

Good morning! I thought doing my twofer at two different times made sense and that making milk in the morning make even more sense. :)

This recipe is very simple. It does require a blender, however, it's worth the little time it does take. I'm lactose intolerant. I've found ways to get around the sensitivity with cheese and yogurt, but never with milk. I do drink Lactaid sometimes. I've found I prefer alternative milks now. :)

Oat Milk

1 cup uncooked steel cut oats ( you can use rolled oats as well, I just prefer steel cut for the creamy factor)
Water to cover

Soaked oats
3 cups cold filtered water
2 to 4 dates, optional

1. Place oats in a bowl, cover with water. Allow for an inch or so of water over the top of the oats. This will allow the oats to absorb as much as they need and help work off the oat goo. It's a protective coating that you want to wash off. This needs to sit anywhere from one hour (with warm water) to over night (with cool water) I like to let it sit over night.
2. Strain and rinse oats.
3. Add soaked oats and 3 cups of water to your blender. If you want sweet milk, add some dates. If not, leave them out. :)
4. Blend on a medium high setting for 4 or 5 minutes. Not enough to heat it, but just to pulverize all the oats.
5. Strain twice through fine mesh. I let the milk sit between strainings and the mealy part tends to settle to the bottom making the straining process easier. I do also keep the oat meal that comes from this and put it into oat and date breakfast bars. :)
6. Pour into container and allow to chill. I use a mason jar with lit.

You should use this over the next week. :)

Voila! It's done. It does have an oatey taste when you drink it straight, but I like the flavor it adds to cereal and tea. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tasty Tuesday - Mac & Veggies

The recipe you've all been waiting for! I'll be posting the ingredients a little differently so you can make it Vegetarian or Vegan! :) Everyone I've ever fed this to has LOVED it. It's tasty and really good for you. :) My toddler devours it, my husband eats two bowls, my friends never leave left overs. You can play with the veggies you put into it, this is what works for our family and for the color we like. :)

Let's get into it shall we?

Set 1:
1 Red Bell pepper, large dice
1/2 Zucchini or Yellow Squash, large dice
2 cloves Garlic
1 handful Spinach
1 medium Carrot, large dice
1 Orange Bell pepper, large dice
1/4 Red Onion
1 tablespoon Nutritional Yeast

2 to 3 cups milk or oat milk or water

Set 2:
3 tablespoons wheat flour
3 tablespoons butter OR coconut oil
1 dash Chili Powder

Set 3:
1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese OR 3 tablespoons Nutritional Yeast
Salt and pepper to taste

6oz Whole Wheat Pasta, cooked and set aside


1. Place all  ingredients in Set 1 into a blender and blend until smooth. Start at a low setting and work your way up to make sure you get rid of chunks. Set aside.
2. In saucepan, melt coconut oil or butter. Whisk in flour one tablespoon at a time, until completely absorbed. Simmer 10 to 15 seconds. This will get rid of the flour taste so many sauces end up having. At this point, I like to add the chili powder on this step. Don't be afraid, it won't add spice.
3. Slowly, add mixture from the blender to the saucepan. Whisk into flour mixture completely before adding more. It will clump up a little at first. Adding slowly will help avoid lumps.
4. Once you've worked in as much of the vegetable mixture as you'd like for the consistency of sauce you prefer, start adding in the cheese or Nutritional Yeast and mix until combined.
5. Pour this sauce over your noodles.

Congratulations! You're done! Enjoy your masterpiece!

Next week may be a twofer! I want to share my Potato Soup AND Oat Milk recipes. We shall see! 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Riding an interesting wave

Good evening readers :)

It's evening here, anyway. :)

Today I was able to see the positive in a situation that would have really sent me over the edge. My car was broken into. Lock on the driver's side was picked and everything was riffled through. It was disconcerting, but did not break me.

The car seat was left in the car, as well as my Ergo carrier. My life straw and solar lantern were left. The emergency kit was taken, as was an empty box. I'm glad my family is safe. I'm glad we still have the car. I'm sad for the person that decided this was a necessary act.

Maybe I'm better balanced, maybe I see people differently. I kept going, riding the wave of progress, of action instead of reaction. Tomorrow is Tasty Tuesday! I'll be posting my Veggie Mac and Cheese. You'll love it! Kids, picky husbands...everyone I've fed it to agrees, it's delicious. :)

I'm thinking of starting some other theme days, but I can't quite put my finger on what I want to post here. We'll see.

In the mean time, I hoping for health for all of you! :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tasty Tuesday - Roasted Veggies

To try and keep myself accountable to the people I keep promising recipes, I've taken an idea from a woman I love dearly and you are now going to be getting Tasty Tuesday! All sorts of recipes to help you get nutrition into your daily routine! :)

Today, my recipe is called Roasted Veggies. Super inspired, I know. :) It's a super simple meal to toss together in a pot with whatever veggies you have in the fridge or pantry. Here's what tonight's meal included:

5 Golden Potatoes (I also like purple or red potatoes in this, approximately one medium sized potato per person)
5 Mushrooms
3 cloves of Garlic
2 handfuls Spinach
2 medium Carrots1 Yellow Squash
1 large Red Bell Pepper (if you like green, by all means, use that. It makes my tummy unhappy)
1 can Garbanzo beans, drained (you can also use Kidney or Black beans) 
1/2 crown of Broccoli
1/2 crown of Cauliflower
1/4 Red Onion
3 tablespoons Coconut Oil
2 teaspoons Nutritional Yeast
1 to 3 teaspoons Liquid Aminos, depending on taste
Pinch Chili Powder
Pepper to taste

Before you get all crazy telling me it doesn't look easy now, read through the directions. 

1. Melt coconut oil over medium heat in large pot.
2. Chop/dice all veggies, add to oil
3. Add seasoning
4. Heat throughout and cover, turn heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes, stir and allow an additional 5 minutes or until potatoes are cooked. (Hint: if you cut the potatoes in smaller chunks, it won't take as long)

It's literally that simple. And you can add and subtract veggies as the seasons change. I like to keep potatoes as the base, but also add in sweet potatoes as they come into season. :)

This feeds a good number of people and is super quick to get on the table. The chopping really isn't all that much. For the spinach, mushrooms, garlic, and onion I use my "Slap Chop". Perfection. :)

It was filling, nutritious, and my two year old loves it. 

p.s. I think I'm staying here for the time being. We'll see. :)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Birth of a Warrior

This post is about a fight. It's about how a person came to be where they are now. It's about leaving selfishness behind. This post is the birth story behind my son, Gideon. But, the warrior was me.
To fully understand the story, you have to start at 31 weeks gestation, when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Up to this point I was planning an all natural birth and delivery. A week later, when I became insulin dependent, my midwife scheduled a c-section "just in case" for March 8th. (Which I found out meant "this is what we're doing".)
Now, March 6th, I had a huge emotional break down because I was still so confused as to why they insisted on a c-section and felt like my choices were being taken away. At dinner, B called his mom, a former NICU nurse who still spoke hospital. She googled, just as I had and talked me through the reasoning. After this talk, I was at peace, knowing that it was best for my baby. I still wanted to labor naturally though, it was so important to the chemistry of my hormones and those of my son. I went to bed a bit uncomfortable, but I just chalked it up to another pregnancy pain. I was at 39 weeks, there were pains in places I didn't even know I had.
2:30am March 7th, I woke up to go to the bathroom, but felt a weird twinge around my belly. I waddled into the bathroom and found that my mucous plug had dislodged. "Sweet!" I thought, "now I know I'll be waiting an unknown amount of time!" -_- Not amused, I crawled back into bed.
About two hours later I felt another twinge, as well as two hours after that. This time I told B that I thought I was contracting, labor was starting all on it's own. (Cue my internal happy dance.) Gideon was ready to get this party started.
I dropped B off at work and told him that I was going to walk the mall, nothing better than walking to get some good contractions going, plus, I didn't really want to be cooped up at home. I still had a non-stress test to get to. I walked the mall for two hours and steadily felt my body doing what it was supposed to do.
Just before test time, I felt a shift in my body, something told me that I needed my husband around, so I picked him up and he got to hang out with me while Gideon made the lines on the monitor dance. The nurse said she'd probably see me tonight, I had gone through three contractions while hooked up to their machines.
So, what did I do? Told my dear sweet man that we were going back to the mall to walk. In all my reading and study, that's what was recommended.  I felt like we walked for hours before I grabbed Bs arm and asked to go back to our apartment.
I rested. I ate. All pretty normal. We had dinner around 6:30, pretty standard for my shot and meal schedule, but as we settled in to watch a movie, I started to feel the erratic sensations become much more rhythmic. By 8:30 they were consistently 10 minutes apart. (I have to stop here and thank the love of my life for doing all the timing so I could just relax and be in tune with my body.)

I started writing this over a year ago. I keep having to stop and come back to it. Shall we continue? For you, it's a matter of scrolling and words, for's a matter of MONTHS.

At the point of 10 minutes apart, by B and I decided that I should probably call the doctor, just to make them aware of what was going on. If you remember, I was scheduled to go in the next day. So, we call and I get the most anxious response ever. "Go to the hospital. You have a c-section scheduled for tomorrow."

Took a shower, packed the last couple things. Went to Labor and Delivery Triage. And waited. Not only was I hooked up to the monitors, but Gideon was non to happy about being there. So, an hour later, we were told to go home, eat and get some rest.

Now, dear friends, if you do not live somewhere that is lucky enough to have In N Out, you will not fully appreciate what you are about to read. I missed my snack time and needed something. I wanted protein desperately. Where did we go? In N Out. As I got out of the car, I felt a little pop and gush. That's right. My water broke. Pushing past my husband, I waddled into the bathroom as fast as I could to make sure nothing was absolutely wrong. By the time I came out, husband had a bag of food in his hand, and I couldn't eat any of it, because I needed to go back to the hospital. On the 15 minute drive, contractions started trying to rip my pelvis from my spine. (Ok, not really, but that's what it felt like.)

The handsomest man I know drops me at the main entrance, now complete with a sheriff, and goes to park the car. Again, I waddle as fast as I can toward the elevator, only pausing in my breathing to say our last name, and start trying to spell it. The sheriff only responded, "I'll ask him when he gets in here...."

Back to being hooked up, then some more laboring with my dear husband who now smelled of cooked onion and delicious burger. (I found out later that he felt completely useless, and kept making lame jokes to try and ease that feeling. None of them were funny, y'all.) In all honesty, I was not there laboring for that long before they started prepping me for a c-section. They were just waiting on my midwife and OB to come in. It was slightly late and both were in bed.

Everything moved very quickly at this point. The shaving, the wiping...the nurse poking me multiple times to try to establish an IV, and me basically trying to get B to do it instead because my laboring brain figured he'd be able to find the vein more efficiently. My midwife showed up and scared all the nurses, told me I was doing great and escorted me to the OR, giving the assisting surgeon the evilest of eyes when he asked me if I was in labor. The nurses in the OR rolled their eyes, and moved between us. I wanted to waddle over and smack him, little man had different ideas. :)

I remember the anesthesiologist saying he wasn't going to start the epi until Dr. Brown was in the building, they had been very very clear about that. :) Having labored up to that point without any medication, I appreciated the extra time with my body. Then the doors opened and there was a feeling like my whole body was going to sleep.

"Where's B? Is he in her yet?" "He's getting dressed, he'll be in very soon." "I don't want him to miss it." "He won't." "Good, can you please adjust my leg so it won't fall off the table?"

Then B was at my side, he took a peek over the curtain and saw my insides sitting on my tummy. Lovely. He likes to tell people that part. Pressure, movement, then a pop...and a cry. :)

"Gideon, sweet love, you're ok. Mama and Daddy are right here. with him." And the echoing of times and numbers being called around the room. Before I knew it, B was holding our sweet big boy and I was nearly done. I don't remember how I ended up sitting up, but I did and they handed me this little wrapped boy and I fell in love...hazy, medicated, "I can't think" love. 2:26am, March 8th, 2013

In recovery, this tiny little nurse heard I wanted to breastfeed right away and with a few pillows and her climbing on top of me to help me adjust, we started our first latch. And he was a champ.

Was a c-section my plan? No. However, I will say, after everything that so many people have said about being bullied or horrible hospital experiences with it, it was amazing. I felt cared for and important in his birth process. I recovered really well in the hospital. I didn't take any morphine or vicodin. I got up and walked a couple steps that evening, I had to get out of that bed. Little man walked the halls with me whenever I got up. That boy was an explorer from the word go. :)

I'm thankful for this process and experience. I stood by my choices and then made sure I was doing the best for my son, and you know what? He came out better than anyone could have thought. His blood sugar? Perfect! His APGAR? Perfect! He did end up needing to be warmed up a bit the second day, but that's because being born is hard work, and he slept a good portion of that time. :)

I say this was the birth of a warrior because, I found out a lot more about myself and my abilities through all this. And I realized that no matter what circumstances came up, I would have a healthy happy live baby going home with me. That was the goal, and that's what happened.

To move or not to move

Well hello again!

I know it's been a while. I'm sorry dear readers. In the time between, I've started a company from scratch with one of my best friends and started on a journey of inspiring healthy living by partnering with another company. So, yes, two businesses and I'm still doing the stay at home thing with my kiddo. Who will soon be 2 AND A HALF. When did that happen? I remember writing the "here's why I haven't written in a while" and picture of my sweet smelling, sleepy newborn.

Anyway. The title of this post is a lot of what I'm think lately. I really can not decide if I am going to migrate everything I have here over to WordPress or not. I don't want to post too much more on either place until I really get a good feel for it. I know how WordPress works. Which is nice. I also love the community here and would be starting over there. I'm not sure if Blogger can handle the plans I have for both my business and personal branding ventures. (Don't I just sound so professional and all marketing savy or something?)

So, I thought I would do what I used to do when I had a dilema, come to my blog and write it out in the late minutes of the evening. :)

I'm on Instagram now if you'd like to see what I'm doing until I make my choice. Which will be in the next few days because I have got to get some content up that I've been rolling around. Not to mention, I have some tasty recipes that need to fill your bellies. Search for MandaDPanda and you'll find me, you'll get a brief look at what I've been up to. Which includes dropping nearly 60 pounds. Yes, you read that correctly. And I want to help other people see health and become participants in their own life changing journey. But that is a whole different post.

Which blogging platform will win? I'm not sure. I mean, I already have two blogs on WordPress. One for B, and one for Tandem. But I also have this here, which is older than both of them. *sigh*

Who's ready for a recipe for delicious Mac and Cheese? Full of veggies and no one will know!!! Unless, you tell them. And why would you do that? :) That's the next one coming up y'all!

Talk to you soon,

Monday, February 16, 2015

Make it Monday

Today started later than I wanted it to, however, I've gotten a lot of the items done that I wanted to.
Started my day with a green smoothie for my family for breakfast, then oat milk (sweetened with dates), Date and Fig jam came next, while starting vegetable broth. My VitaMix has been a beast this morning.  Also got bread going and some oat bars with the remaining oat from the milk and some jam. Haven't tried them yet. :)
Obviously, you can see what I'm making today, what are you making? Anything yummy? Any recipes you'd like to see?