Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Challenge accepted!

Hello faithful readers,

Today I'm actually writing it down. :) I've been trying to figure out how to get myself more accountable and grounded in writing in my blog and sharing the Daily Dose with you.

After speaking with a friend and hearing a wonderful sermon about using time wisely, I'm accepting my friend's challenge.

What was this challenge? To write and vlog for a whole month, each day. The thinking was that if it takes 21 days to form a habit, I'll be golden at 30. I'm pretty nervous, not because it's putting myself out there, but because of everything that's already going on.

That and I think you'll get bored. Obviously, I'll have the Daily Dose to write about here and recipes...but a vlog? I don't know what my life is even going to be like at the end of May. I guess that's the fun part though. :)

So, here we go. Starting May first you'll have a front row seat to my devotion time and...my life day to day.

What do you want to read? Any video requests? Put them in the comments here or on a video. I'll be broadcasting on YouTube.

M :)