Friday, December 23, 2011

Daily Dose: The Rich Home - Sharon Glasgow

See, I told you I would get better about this. :)

Today is full of distraction for me...we're packing to travel down to see our families this weekend. You may be thinking to yourself that a self-admitted control freak like myself must have everything under control. Well, you'd be wrong. When I pack I like to do it at least a day ahead of time. I like to write out the outfits that I plan to pack and put them in my duffle in the order in which I will wear them. That didn't happen this time. My week has been clouded with being tired and having a ton of other things to do. I barely finished the Christmas cards for my coworkers last night in my insomnia ridden wee hours.

When I started reading this devotional, I was tempted to just skim through it, smile and nod and then I would have done what I needed to, my mind would have been able to go back to what it was worrying over. That's not what my Heavenly Father wanted from me, it's never what He wants from me when I'm spending time with Him.

“Now when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord, she came to test him with hard questions.” I Kings 10:1 (NKJ)

This is the first piece of scripture Sharon gives us to digest as she talks about the length of the trip the Queen took to seek knowledge about Solomons' God. Of course that nagging feeling that I knew exactly what she was talking about made me start to cringe. I thought to myself, "Ok God, I know...I'm not making the time I should with you." right as she came to her point about opening our Bibles and actually looking for the knowledge there.

Her second point sticks in my side. I'm the one visiting people this Christmas season, but what she's saying is that we shouldn't be worried about how clean and prepared we are for this weekend...we should be worried about showing people Christ, especially this time of year. With all my planning and need to set things out, am I showing people the love that runs my cup over? Sure, for Thanksgiving and many weekends, we open our home to our friends, we try to be there to listen, to talk or just to hang out...but what about right now with the crazyness we're experiencing right now planning this trip? My next question to myself is, "how do I change it?" I'm not sure...but I do know that God has given me a love to share, not to hide behind my human vices.

So, my prayer is a little different than the one at the end of the devotion. It goes something like this, "Abba, I'm a mess. You still love me and help me, like the gentle Father you are. Help me to show people that love through my actions and words this weekend. Let our families and friends see You more than us as we celebrate the greatest gift ever given, Christ. Help me remember that it's not about the food or anything else, but about that silent, holy night when a baby came to fulfill prophecy and save the world. "

Can I challenge you? Traveling or receiving travelers, can you just show love? Yes, make the mashed potatoes and candied yams...but remember the real reason you're making them.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Daily Dose - Room for Jesus - Micca Monda Campbell

Ok, before I start this Daily Dose, I'm going to warn may cry. Just saying.

I'm still reading my daily devotion through Proverbs 31 Ministries. You can sign up for it through their website.

So, as I read today, I look at the past posts I've made and I am pretty ashamed at the number of times I see the word busy. The great thing about God though? He starts working on you before you really know it and then you see something He put in to your day and get a lump in your throat.

Luke 2:7 is the scripture that inspired this particular devotion.

Put down your pen and book...and newspaper and let go of the mouse, just read for a minute. Micca recounts a story of her mother...and the first grandchild. Like many people I know, Micca's mom keeps baby Jesus out of the nativity until Christmas morning. Apparently this distressed her grandson. He asked where Jesus was and was told that Jesus did not come until Christmas. So, until that day, the little boy waited with anticipation for the Saviour. This child was excited to see the baby that many people have no room for...that people were too busy worrying about the census to make a space in a real room for Him at the time of His birth. Working with kids, I find that they teach me more about my relationship with God than most adults ever can. Micca goes on to talk about how the adults were all expecting to exchange presents and spend time together, while the first grandson...ran to the manger to see if Jesus had come...and there He was, a baby in a manger, just like God had promised, there sat the Messiah.

If a little boy can make room on Christmas morning and the days leading up to that fateful time, then can't I put aside my baking and doing and cards and wrapping, to anticipate my God? This should be a daily anticipation, filled with JOY! We sang Joy to the World yesterday with the kids, have you ever really thought about the lyrics? It's all about celebrating and receiving Christ. When you hear little kids sing this seems more like the joyful praise it should be.

Micca's closing prayer ends with "Welcome home Lord." I'm encouraged to make that a daily prayer.

So...can you make time today?

Getting to the end

Good afternoon my friends!

I have a couple blogs in the works, one is a request for a recipe, two are other recipes I LOVE and wanted to share and two are just...random. Yes, that is a lot of writing.

Today though, I need to just kind of relax and let my hair down. Do you mind? :)

So, this year, I've made some statements and promises and not kept them. I can get drafts going all I want, but if I don't stick to posting them...what's the point? I'll have my hands full this next week trying to get the Christmas gifts all done in the evening while working during the day.

Yesterday, the kids sang in the adult service during the second Gathering. It was AMAZING! I'm so proud of how well they did. They performed and they were just little stars! We had down to the 3-5 class, to show off how they do their worship. They stood up front, danced around and played their instruments. It was perfect really. The older kids smiled and sang with all their little hearts. We had a number of people come up and say how great the kids had done, I'm sure all the parents were just as proud as I was. There were a couple people that came up and asked if we could do that more than once a year at Christmas...but more often, to remind people that the kids are part of our church community...which happens to be in one of our statements of intention for the ministry. :) Had to share how amazing those kids are :)

Brian is working so hard. I'm so thankful for him. :) I'd go in to more...but you'd probably get bored. Just know that he is an amazing husband and wonderful friend ;)

I have some New Year resolutions. I'm going to be doing them and hopefully keeping up with them this time. :) A lot of paperwork to get done to make sure this is going to go off without a hitch. But, it's all possible.

So...that's the update for now. Keep an eye out for the recipes, yeah? They're tasty!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Things we stop doing as adults

I'm working on snacks for the 3 - 5 age group right now. I realized that when I was a kid, we had BOXES AND BOXES of raisins. I'm not saying that I don't eat them now, but I just remember asking my mom if I could have a snack and then being directed to the raisins. I have them in salads...and muffins...but I don't buy raisins just to snack on them...they go in things now.

Why do we stop eating raisins as adults? Is it the sticky bits left on our fingers? Is it our concern for being clean and not eating with our fingers? I watch 6 to 16 kids between the ages of 3 and 5 scarf down raisins, almost on a weekly basis. (Hey, they're small and still a really good snack when paired with water and ritz or cheese or something like that.) Now, there are the kids that don't like them, but I know a girl who can pack away two full packages if I let her.

Why do we also have such an issue eating with our fingers as adults? We're taught when we're little to use our fingers because the knife and fork are a little much for mom and dad to think of us using at that point. By the time you got to my class age, you probably have a soft plastic spoon and fork that you used...but still, old reliable is that finger and thumb combo. Why do we loose that as adults. I know people that are so concerned with being proper that they look down their nose at people enjoying good BBQ.

When did it become so wrong to enjoy getting a little messy? If you ask me, we all need to embrace that child inside us and go jump in some puddles without a care for the clothes we're wearing. Maybe grab a good handful of dirt...or pick up a rollie pollie! Come a little mess so much of a bad thing if you're experiencing life?

So...this went down a bunny trail I wasn't expecting.

We had our last volunteer meeting of the year today. 3 of our 30 or so volunteers showed up. The holidays have people all twisted up. This next year is going to mean a lot of change for the kid's ministry. We're rolling out some very important things. I'm drafting an email with the notes from the meeting and then sending a share link to the MindMeister map of the ministry as Brian and I see it. It's a little big.

Praying for a lot of things right now.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I actually have two blog posts waiting for me to finish them. One about Thanksgiving (with the previously promised recipes) and one about decorating for Christmas (no pictures as of yet)

So, you know...I'm here writing again, instead of finishing those...because I don't have the things ready to finish them. Maybe that's a project for tonight? We shall see!

Sitting here contemplating the new clothes I was so blessed to get yesterday. One of my dear friends from church lost her mother a couple months ago. Her mother had a boat load of clothes. So, she put the ones she thought I'd like in a box and bag and brought them over. Oh, my goodness.

Yesterday morning, while getting dressed I looked at the clothes that have been in my closet for...years. I don't normally spend money buying clothes anymore...if I do, it's normally socks or under shirts. I was looking at my closet and thinking that a good portion of my clothing is starting to fall apart, I've had much of it for 5+ years. I take care of my clothes and have enough for a good rotation, but after 5 years of wear, it gets hard to keep the sweaters from unraveling. I knew we didn't have money for me to replace everything that needed it.

Last night, I got a box of clothes. Almost all of which fit. So many tops that fit and were just my style. It's kind of hard to think of at the moment. I feel so blessed. I know God provides in whatever way He sees fit...the generosity of a friend, the unknown gift of a stranger. You never know.

I've been thinking about the way I act a lot recently. I'm a little emotional recently and have been feeling the strong discipline of my Heavenly Father. One of my 4 year olds head butted me on Sunday, she was mad...she's 4. We had a time out, a bit of a tantrum and then a good talk about why we don't hit or throw tantrums. Her mother is an amazing woman whom I love and adore and count as one of my friends. When she found out, she brought her back in to the classroom and made her apologize. I felt bad, because I know how sorry my friend was for the behavior of her child. Now...let's go back to our Heavenly Father. Goodness, I just know that sometimes I'm just like that little girl, I throw fits, I am thankful and talk to my Father...but man, when things aren't going my way, sometimes it's the hardest feeling! But, Abba sent His son to take whatever sins I have...and make them void. I don't have to carry the burden of acting up.

The grace that I have been given and am continually given has been blowing my mind lately. That's all. I'm reminded that I am more precious than the sparrow...and that God provides everything that little bird needs, so why do I worry about His plans for provision for me?

The other two drafts will be done tonight. Working on a lot of stuff :) It's all coming together so well! :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving: The follow up.

Though football was not on the TV on Thursday, Thanksgiving was as full as I could have possibly wanted it.

Generally, Thanksgiving is a family holiday. We did have plans to go to my uncle's and spend the holiday with my cousins and my aunt's family. After a particularly crazy week previous (giant weird migraine that kept me out of the office) I realized we weren't going to be able to do that. Cue last Sunday, a small group from church blesses us with a wonderful gift basket full of amazing things that provide for the trimmings we need to do Thanksgiving.

Now, I was born in California and moved with my immediate family to Georgia when I was 8. I learned very quickly that your friends become your family when you're removed from the family you would normally celebrate with. We had many holidays spent out with friends or hosting people at our apartment when I was a kid. So, naturally, with the group of friends we've been so blessed to find in the last few months, I invite a couple of the guys that have no family in the area over for dinner. It was really amazing. I remembered how much I love to entertain and cook...really! We opened up the apartment for anyone else to come hang out whenever they were done with family if they wanted to, just spend some time with what we affectionately call our "Squirrel Family". (yes, another post...I'm just racking them up now aren't I?)

We had everything I could have wanted for Thanksgiving. And a full home after about 6pm. Warm cinnamon and turkey scents in the air, good friends and good time together. It was a happy evening and though I missed my family...I somehow think God had other plans for us. (We've been feeling like God has put us in this place at this time for a reason...and no matter what, we will follow that) It just felt like a little piece of home...and my memories of Thanksgivings past came flooding through in fuzzy little kid thoughts. Now, I've made my first turkey...and I'm the one making sure everyone got enough to eat. :) Hide and seek and flashlight tag outside my grandparents house with my cousins and now playing Rock Band until late Thanksgiving evening are all filing themselves in the archives of my memory. It's a great feeling. :)

So..on to what you really would like...the recipes. Come on now, we had to get past all the gushy mushy stuff first. The turkey stuff is going to be last, it's long and involved. :) Anything noted in the prep section of the recipe is something that I did the night before. It took about 2 and a half hours...but made Thursday breeze by...seriously, everything was just timed and came out perfectly.

Cranberry Sauce: I made this the night before.

2/3 C Water
2 C white sugar
1/4 tsp nut meg
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 lb fresh cranberries, rinsed and drained
1 tsp orange zest
1/2 tsp all spice (optional)
1/2 tsp ground cloves (optional)

1. Combine sugar, water and spices in saucepan over medium high heat, until sugar is dissolved.
2. Once mixture starts to come to a boil, add cranberries and orange zest. Bring to a boil.
3. When entire mixture boils, cover and reduce heat. Simmer for 10 minutes. Stir every so often.
4 Check texture and flavor. Add sugar to taste if necessary.
5. Place in container.


4 medium yams, skinned, cut into 1/2" pieces
1 lemon - juiced
6 cloves of garlic, minced
6 tbsp olive oil
1/2 large onion roughly chopped
4 tbsp brown sugar

Prep -
Combine yams, garlic, onion, olive oil and lemon juice in gallon size bag. Place in refrigerator.

1. Preheat over to 415 degrees
2. Spread contents of bag in baking dish or over safe pan, 2" or shallower.
3. Sprinkle brown sugar over yam mixture, turn over with spoon.
4. Bake for 15 minutes, stir, repeat twice.
5. Spoon in to serving dish, cover with foil (unless serving immediately). Reheat at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Green Bean Casserole: Next year this recipe will be from scratch

2 Cans cut green beans
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 c milk
Onion strips (for garnish)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine green beans, soup, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and milk. Stir until smooth.
2. Pour in to serving dish, top with onion strips

Heat at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.

Garlic Roasted Mashed Potatoes: I'm not a big fan of boiling potatoes because you loose a lot of the good stuff that's in there for you.

6 medium potatoes, washed, cut to 1" cubes
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1/8 red onion, minced
1 c milk
4 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat olive oil over medium-high heat in large pot.
2. Saute onion and garlic until clear.
3. Add potatoes and coat in existing mixture.
4. Allow to simmer slightly, cover and reduce heat. Roast potatoes until soft
5. Add milk, mash potatoes. For creamier or softer mash, use more milk.

Turkey: This is going to be big.

Stuffing -
1 large orange, quartered
1 large red onion, quartered
1 celery stalks, chopped in to four pieces
1 small apple, quartered
1 large lemon, quartered
1 tsp basil

Combine in bowl.

Basting -
1 cup butter, melted
3 cloves of garlic, pressed
1 tsp basil
1/2 lemon, juiced

Combine in basting bottle (I used a silicon brush with a detachable bottle, Pampered Chef)

Prep -

Bring turkey to room temperature, remove plastic wrapping, neck and giblets. Wash inside and out.
1. Fill inside of turkey with stuffing mixture. Sew closed.
2. Place turkey breast side down in cooking rack with drip pan.
3. Baste with mixture, wrap in plastic and place in refrigerator.

1. Remove turkey from refrigerator, bring to room temperature.
2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
3. Remover plastic wrap, place turkey in over, cook for 15 minutes.
4. Lower heat to 350 degrees, cook for 2 hours, baste every 30 minutes.
5. If meat thermometer does not register at least 165 degrees when placed in to the thickest meat on the turkey, lower heat to 225 degrees and cook an additional hour to hour and a half, basting and checking temperature every 30 minutes.
6. Remove turkey from oven when internal temperature reaches 165 degrees. Let rest for 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the weight of the turkey.
7. Carve, plate and ENJOY!

Honey Butter:
1 c butter, softened
1/2 c honey

Mix until smooth.

Hubby made pumpkin rolls too...I'll have to get that recipe ;)

Next year, rolls and green bean casserole will also be made from scratch :)

Getting on with the rest of the year!

Okay, I have to get it out...OMG CHRISTMAS! LOL Sorry. Have to have a little joygasm for the decorating on Friday. It was pretty stinking amazing ;) The tree is up, the nativity is set on a table and the lights are all over. Stockings are up on the...wall...with care :) I did realize that I've become one of those women that has a "thing". You know how some people collect things? Well, when I had my first Christmas at my own apartment, I didn't have all the little crafty things that my mom kept packed away from my elementary years, I didn't have much by way of Christmas. This realization dawned on me when I returned home from Thanksgiving with my family that first year and there were no Christmas decorations anywhere in my apartment. So, I went and picked out some Christmas. I bought a little tree (as close the the fake Mr.Christmas tree that had graced my childhood holiday memories) and decided on silver and white snow flakes...and colored lights. (Don't start this crazy discussion with me on this's just a matter of personal choice...I prefer colored lights on my tree...and most places around my home...maybe this will be another post...) AAAAAAAAANYWAY! That was my first Christmas. My tree topper was a 7" silver and blue angel. The next Christmas, my grandma gave me a 16" angel with fiber optic wings. She fit rather nicely on top of my big bookcase.

I've added things over the years. It's been about 7 years in the making and now, with the infusion of Brian's Christmas stuff, we have a nativity set, garlands and bows, candles and snow villages. However, in unpacking my Christmas treasure, I found that I have a lot of angels. I have the two from the first two Christmases. One that is a purple wire container and 4 ornaments. Now, this may not seem like a lot to you...but I didn't buy any of them other than the first tree topper (that is now just another decoration, this year we added a glittery gold star!!!)  As stated before, I believe I am a woman with a thing. All of the ornaments have been gifts, the most recent of which from my mother-in-law :) It's absolutely beautiful. The purple wire angel was full of chocolate kisses...mmmmmm...did that person know me or what? So. Angels. And I really don't mind :) I don't want it to get out of hand, I only have so much tree and shelf space. But, I actually kind of like the idea of angels and snowflakes gracing our walls and shelves and tree along with all our homemade memories :)

You know I opened this blog to write about Thanksgiving...I think I need to write  another blog post for Thanksgiving. That's what I'm going to do. I'll save this here...and then write a totally different one for the recipes ;)

So now, a week later and both entries are done. Enjoy! I have another recipe coming shortly for spiced pumpkin cake. It's SUPER easy and yummy! It's kind of cheating but for all of you that are on Weight Watchers, stay tuned, it's only 1 point! :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Calm Before the Storm

Ok, so that title is a little ominous. Though that's what it kind of feels like. Tomorrow I will cook my first Thanksgiving feast. Brian and I are hosting Thanksgiving for a couple friends and possibly Dad and Annie. Yeah...first turkey...ever.

So, instead of freaking out, I thought I'd come here and share the recipes that are going to make Thanksgiving happen at our place.

I'm not stuffing the bird, no jokes about it will be possible. I am doing a couple things with it though.
1 Orange quartered
1 Onion quartered
1 Spice bundle (Rosemary, thyme and basil)
2 tbs melted butter with garlic and lemon
Olive oil under skin rub
Possibly putting bay leaves under the skin as well
Breast down until the last 20 minutes

We shall see :) I am now the proud owner of a fresh 12 pound turkey, a turkey pan with rack and a meat thermometer. Yeah, I'm set

Mashed Potatoes - the family recipe is boiled diced potatoes with butter, salt, pepper and milk mashed to a pulp. I may take some creative license with that. Pot roasted potatoes, garlic and onion, olive oil...mashed to a pulp. I'll finally get to use the potato masher!
Green Bean Casserole - I've never actually made this. My grandma never had it on the table, my mom never cooked it...but I do believe my Bonus Mom made it some time last year and I really liked it. We were blessed with a basket of goodies by a group at church and have the green beans and cream of why not?
Yams - not going to be candied, possibly caramelized. I'm hoping to roast them with onion and bacon and olive oil. It's kind experiment. I'm looking for the recipe online. I'll post it when I find it :)
Rolls - not even going there trying to make rolls and a turkey, we're doing Hawaiian King Rolls :) mmmm
Cranberry Sauce - from scratch y'all! Oh yes, it's one of my favorite things to make, and eat really. I'll post all the fun recipes once I've made them and have times. I do have this one somewhere in my cookbooks :)

Pumpkin Rolls - These are to DIE for. Brian makes them and they're like little bits of pumpkin heaven! Pumpkin bread with cream cheese filling. Oh,'s amazing! I'll post the recipe, don't you worry ;)
Cranberry Scones - a mix given to us in the basket, I'm actually kind of excited to try them!
Possiby - Chocolate Pie - Grandma always makes one, and I've been in charge of I'm not sure. We'll see.

Lemonade, tea, wine. Coffee and hot tea.

There you go, now you know what's I'm doing for dinner tomorrow...what are you doing?

I'll be back to my daily dose here shortly. Getting back on a set schedule and trying to feel better. ;)  Are you ready for the season of reason?

Lastly, thankfulness.

I am so completely blessed by the wonderful husband I have. Through the past year, I can't even explain the things we've learned and grown through. He is such an amazing man and growing so much in Christ. He's my hero :)
I am equally blessed by the family I have. Both blood family and the people I consider my family. Being able to be close to my family members up here. I've gotten to see my uncle, aunt and cousins more in the past year than I have in a very long while and I absolutely cherish it. I can not wait to see them more as life settles into a routine. Our new found family in Christ, not so very new as we've been with them more than a year now. It is amazing how, looking back, you can see the way God moves to put you where He wants you to be. I would not change my church family for anything. They are supportive and loving and accepting in ways that still amaze me. The friendships we have with people at the game store Brian now works at also fall in to this family category. I miss them when they are not around and enjoy opening our home to have them over to play games and eat together. There were some big holes in our lives when we moved and left everyone in LA and those holes have found residents now. Our friends and family in LA can not be replaced, but we can make new rooms to accommodate the people we've been blessed to encounter.
I am blown away by the position I am in. To have a job at all right now is a blessing, to have something that I enjoy and that challenges me is even better. There are always bumps in the road, but God willing, those bumps end up making us stronger. I feel like we've come so far as a company this year and I am proud to have been there when things were growing and changing :)

I am also thankful for those of you visiting my blog. I don't know who you are and I really don't know why you're reading, but I hope that somehow, you find something that you encourages you and builds you up. Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling and helps in taking one more step on this journey.

Until next time (Probably Friday with recipes ;))

Friday, November 11, 2011

A few thoughts on many different subjects...

First - today is Veteran's Day. The sense of pride I have in my fellow citizens that fight for this country is huge. The selflessness of the people that put themselves in harms way as a profession. I also can not fathom the dedication required of the wives, husbands and children of the service men and women. I have friends that are in the military and friends married to the military. I'm related to a group of people that have served back years. I think of what it means and am always reminded of this verse, Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:12-14. I am filled with sorrow for those that have lost their lives, but extreme love and thankfulness at the same time. 

Second - I'm taking a step out today. Looking back at the year or so since I started this blog, I see some areas lacking. I know we all get busy, but that's not an excuse. So, I will be making the time I need to for my commitments, for my passions and for my life. I'm so thankful for the life I have and have not been putting forth half the effort I feel I need to be. Here are my promises:

I will make the time in the morning that I need to do the Daily Dose I've been cramming in to the end of the day or a corner that really needs more light.
I will make one thing a month - be it a blanket, Christmas gift or card...I'm going to make something. Creative juices flowing.
I will post at least two recipes a week - my own or ones I've found, tried and love. 
I will get the things out for Kid's Quest on Monday. Not Tuesday, Monday. 
I will post about the meals I am making and put those pictures on FaceBook, just like I said I would.

Yes, there is a bit to getting all of this done on a daily or weekly basis, but this just means I need to cut out the crazy things in my life and be accountable. 

Once I have gotten my structure back and am moving forward, I know everything else will just fall in to place. Thank you for praying with me and for me while I try to make this transition. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Let's be honest...I'm a bit of a geek. It's ok. I actually don't mind the term. How many women do you know that can't wait for FNM? Right. So. I click to blogger today on a break and start poking around.

I start looking at other blogs...the first one is a guy in Belgium that plays chess...competitively. Cool for him. Not my style, though I do like chess.

I hit next blog and am taken to....another chess site. Um. Ok. 6 pages later, I'm still looking at chess. Interesting that today would be ALL the same kinds of blogs. All about chess. So, I'll leave Blogger to go back to working and hope that maybe in a couple hours I'll find more than chess.

Though I wouldn't mind some blogs about MTG and the new set. LOL

In other news: Working on getting Kid's Quest cohesive and kid friendly. Colorful and full of God's love. I love it. Seriously some of the most fulfilling stuff I've ever done. So blessed. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sparrows, tomatoes and school

Remembering for just a take a breath and be thankful.

There, that's better. not as havoc filled as I thought it would be. I have an exam to take...that I should be a lot more stressed about. I am not :) I have a lot of projects going on right now...and they're all coming together so nicely. Again, not stressed. It is amazing the burden that you give up when you fully depend on God to really get you through.

Yes, I am a recovering control freak...seriously, you guys have NO idea. Many people that read this *or don't* think I am the most easy going nicest person...really y'all? Talk to my sister...she'll let you know. She's known me her entire life and I can't believe she still talks to me. Truthfully, it's hard to live that part of my is such a big part of who I have always be in control of everything...that letting that go is...both freeing and TERRIFYING!

I digress. So, I click a video Dad posted of Bobby McFerrin *please stop now and look him up if you have no idea who I'm talking about, please...please?* Firstly, I could listen to Mr.McFerrin for HOURS. He is a musical genius *anyone reading that knows me, knows how tied to music I am* He has perfect pitch and such a mind for makes me shiver. This is not a video about Mr. McFerrin playing's from the World Science Festival. Go ahead, wait, I'll let you re-read that. Yes, Bobby McFerrin is at the World Science Festival with a panel of neuro-scientists...yes, I'm completely geeking out *if you really want to know, start a Math and Music discussion with me...and how they are connected to language*

It is amazing to me how happy this one video made me. I then start going to the famous YouTube to find me some cello to listen to while I study and work. I found...many pieces I could not stand. LOL So I'm a music snob too...remember, I'm working on all that ;) lol

I forgot how much I adore classical music...the joy a cello brings to my soul.

I know this is a rambly not so sense making entry...but in the end. I want to share that when you give things to God completely, the joy in life just comes bubbling up (we talked about this in connection group last night...interestingly enough)

What inspires you? What brings joy into your life?

I think I may see about joining a choir again. It's been too long....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Caught in the whirlwind...

So, it's been forever and I haven't posted nearly what I should be. Making sure I take the time I need to be taking. Maybe I have too many excuses. I'm not sure at this point. Something I am sure about it that I need to get back to it. I know sometimes trying to have an organized framework for the day can be a bit much...but it helps in many departments of life.


What happens when you feel yourself cut off a bit from things? Do you promise yourself (yet again) that you'll just make the time for the things that you've been missing out on? I mean...when the day only has so many hours...which ones do you dedicate? Eh...this is sounding like a downer blog and it's really not meant to be. Just feeling like I'm kind of letting things slip and then saying I just didn't have enough time to not let that happen...w/e.

I am...beyond blessed at this point. I may feel kind of like crud...but it's not going to last forever. Drink more water and take a couple Ibuprofen and I'll be fine ;)

I actually wanted to talk today about the lessons I'm learning through working with the kids at church.

I think I need to do a quick update to get to that point though.

It's been a few weeks not since a couple BIG changes happened in our lives. To get you up to speed, Brian and I were waking up early most mornings to get him to his job at Joanns and I was working at the position in the Real Estate company...we had moved into our own place at the end of February and we were working our way toward plans for the future.

Brian and I were both working on our licenses and trying to get in family time....keeping busy. I took over the 0 to 5 groups in the kids' ministry at church. Loved getting it up and going, getting some organization in an area that had gotten some people to the point of giving up. A new breath into the areas.

About 5 or 6 weeks ago, Brian came to the conclusion that he was spending most of his week not going toward the goals he had put down and not doing what God was wanting him to do. We talked about it, we prayed about it and a couple days later...he put in his two weeks. We were both so at peace with the choice.

The day that was Brian's last at Joanns, also ended up being a two week notice for a very dear friend of ours from the kid's ministry. Through prayer and consideration, he was moving out of the ministry and the board and church asked us if we felt we were called to step in.

That brings you to today. We both work at Yager Realty now. Brian helps out with a lot of the marketing side while he finishes his classes for his license. We are the new directors of the kid's ministry (newborn to 6th grade) Working toward God's vision of this area of the church. How to make it a part of the church while still making it the kid's area. Now we have meetings and parents and all sorts of fun things :)

Now, we've been helping in the kid's ministry most of the year that we've been attending the Quest. So, we're used to the set up and having done the 0 - 5s for the past couple months, we're used to the needs of organization. What I'm finding more and more is that the lessons that are being taught to the kids in 0-5 and then k-6 are the same ones I need to hear over and over again. I have those secrets tied to my heart...but getting on the floor and playing with the kids to help them understand...helps me.

I have this problem you see...I'm an adult. I's sad.  I tend to try to organize things and control things. I make these lists and work through getting them done. It's a sad state of affairs sometimes. Working with the youngest of God's beloveds has really helped me get back to the basic truths of my love relationship with my Heavenly Father. Not only that...but it reminds me weekly how much God is waiting for me to fully rely on Him. This month for the 3-5s is about the fact that God always knows what's good for the K-6, it's all about grace...getting something you don't really deserve. How basic are those thoughts in our walk? How often do we forget it.

I'm working on being less of an adult...or maybe just getting rid of what most people think it means to be an adult. I still have responsibilities...but I need to rely fully on God's way of providing for me...because He will, no matter what. He takes care of the little birds flying around outside and thinks I am much more dear than them.

Seek first His kingdom.... ;)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Much too long

Where has the time gone? Why haven't I made it a point to be here more often? Simple answer? I just didn't think I had enough time. From being up late to prep for things, getting the office ready for an audit and visitors...I was totally beat.

But, that's not an excuse that should ever work.

This morning I read my devotion and was so convicted by the verse and writing. The title was, "Time is in His Hands." Joshua 10:13 being the verse.

God has set our schedule into motion, no matter what we think we need to get done. Did you know on days like today, when I put my time with God first, I end up having more time? LOL Seems weird, but I feel like it. I get more done and feel more accomplished at the end of the day. I'm not as stressed and I don't feel like I have to run around crazy either.

So...who sets your schedule? :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Verse That Made Me Cringe - Lisa Turkhurst

Good morning readers!

Today I am working from home...and it is liberating! LOL

Today's Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19

This devotion is interesting because Lisa uses another story to demonstrate how serious God really is about His temple.

A lot of the time, especially as women, we become complacent in what our body, God's living temple, really is like. As a Christian, I'm convicted day in and day out for the choices I've made in what I"m eating. Don't get me wrong, I don't dwell on the past, I know that won't get me anywhere, but I do think on what I have and have not done. Do I eat like I should? Most of the time, yes...but I definitely don't make the best choices all the time.

I think of this morning and I know I've made good choices...then I look at this afternoon and think - oh my! I need to think on what I'm going to have for it's coming!

The story in Haggai that Lisa goes into talks about how God wanted them to take care of and build His home, but that the Jewish people had come out of Babylon and concerned themselves with their own homes and their own agendas first. This is me! I don't have time to work out today God, I am WAY too busy...right? Wrong! I know that I have time for everything God wants from me...I just choose to do the things that hold more sway (in my mind...sorta) I mean, all of God's plan should be what I concern myself with first and foremost. I'll make excuses for not having time for the mindless....

A lot of my church family are going to take part of a connection group called "Healthy For Life". It's a nutrition course more than anything, but it also talks about how to treat yourself. Yet another group of my church family are all doing P90X...I's crazy! But...when you think about it, they're really trying to care for God's temple.

So, I can make the choice to put more into the temple God has given me, because He has also given me His spirit to dwell in that temple. I can make a choice to also make time for God's wants in my day. Not just my own.

What choices are you going to make?

Friday, March 4, 2011


Not going to lie...I have spring fever! Bad! I want to go run around outside. I totally understand twitterpation! :) lol

Looking at the beautiful cherry blossom tree outside just makes me marvel. It had 4 blooms on it at the beginning of this week. Monday, when it was cold and gloomy. Today it is covered is light pink flowers and unfurling maroon leaves. It is just breath taking! It's a happy little tree in the parking lot...but it makes me want to go sit and read a book in the park. Makes me stop and look at the day and what I'm concentrating on.

Be and I finally have the computer set up in spare oom. It's pretty amazing. We got a lot done yesterday. Yager1 said to take yesterday off as B was off. It was nice. We slept in, ate nummy breakfast (made with Crisco, not worked! LOL So glad to get butter tonight :) ) We went through all our books and a lot of spare oom. That room will take a while to get all the way done. There is so much to that we need a futon. :) I can start working from home too...which is nice with the gas prices going up.

We're definitely excited to have our own space and spread out a little. I'll be grabbing the plants here shortly and we'll have mint in our tea in no time :)

I'll also have a space to study and do my daily dose, don't you worry :)

Need to work on my license and get that knocked out'll be good to have that done.

Are you ready for this change? I am. God is so good and has poured out so many blessings on us. I know we struggle and what not...but He has a plan and those struggles are part of the plan :)


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Goodness me...

So, I haven't posted in FOREVER!
I know I keep saying that I need to get better at this...and then I don't. I really need to make this something I do daily, if not more than once a day.

B and I have our own place now :) We moved this past weekend. It's definitely different. We have a lot of sorting to do. It's kind of crazy. The kitchen is pretty much done...we're moving onto the bedroom tonight :) We watched a movie last night and cuddled in the living room. We've been going since last week so it was nice to get a break...and really be the ones to say that we could! :) B is off work tomorrow so I think he'll be sorting more in spare oom. It's looking like it'll be a good bit of figuring out when it comes to what goes where in there. We have a lot of interests and though most of the gaming stuff will go in the living room, we still have first gen consoles that may be stored until we do a retro night or something.

It's interesting to really see how this step changes our relationship and how God is already using it to shape us and remind us of the things we need to work on daily.

We'll spare oom set up by the end of the weekend I think...and the internet is being turned on tomorrow. Some trepidation about that. We need to set up our Netflix account too. Need to go and change our address on everything, maybe B can swing by the post office tomorrow and file a forwarding card and then we can get through all the places that need to know.

So much to do. So incredibly blessed. So humbled. I need to stay that way and not count my chickens before they're hatched. It's not my own ability that has gotten me's God.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Late night rambling

So, I'm at that point this month. All you women out there know it. Men do a different way.

It's just about midnight and I am awake. I should be and want to be cuddling with my husband. Instead I'm here writing.

Am I missing something very serious right now?

I really really enjoy my work...maybe too much. You know, I like to be there, I like to do the tasks that I have. I love the feeling of getting everything together that we need to get together. I'm really starting to get what the escrow process is and I'm really really loving my job. It's interesting how my boss telling me to go home early has made me feel.

I was actually laying in bed tossing and turning trying to figure out what I had done wrong. LOL Can you imagine. Part of it is a miss communication that happened, but I guess it's all good now.  I just don't like feeling like I did something insufficient...and I know B is right...but still. Being a perfectionist...super sucky.

In the end though...I really really really really enjoy my work. I didn't know I'd like it so much that going in and staying a little later isn't something I do because I have to or b/c I'm made to, but because I want to. I want to stay there and get through stuff and work for our clients. It's exactly the kind of company I've wanted to work for for the longest time. Fast pace, a lot to do but very much customer oriented. I get to be the good guy and I get to deal with and talk to some really great people. I get to be part of the team of heroes in an industry that traditionally doesn't have many.

I'm learning so much and enjoying it so much I really can't believe it's real. I can see the future of this company and we are crazy amounts of growth. Isn't the saying that when you find something you enjoy doing it doesn't seem like work anymore? That's exactly where I'm at. I really like it and the hours don't bug me...I want to be there, I want to see people get homes and help people find buyers. It's thrilling. With the training I got this week I feel even better about it. The mind set is really just exactly where I'm at.

In other news...SO MANY PREGNANT PEOPLE! Wow! LOL Suddenly my life filled up with babies! LOL Expecting another nephew in March, Ms.Deer is having a baby here in a few months, The BMK are having another little girl. Goodness!

I feel blessed. I need a little direction from God though. I feel pulled in a couple different directions and I don't know what that all means. I'm exploring some new areas and stretching a bit. I'm helping in a different age group at church right now...and I feel God moving.

Prayers are appreciated. LOL

So, here I sit. Ten after...and thinking that I may just be ready to go to bed...and the little light on my phone starts to flash...maybe Yager 1 is right about those phones...we're too connected...always accessible...but I make the choice right? And if it's someone I want to talk to, I will...if not...I won't. LOL *shrug*

I think my eyes are heavy enough to sleep now. Tomorrow we go to get our taxes done...prayers...again...a lot.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Daily Dose...done today!

Today is an amazing day already. I know it will continue to be so, and that all I need to do is connect with my Heavenly Father a little first. (sidenote: my pinwheel just spun a little because of the heater blowing...that was pretty cool...not gonna lie!)

Today's devotion is Do You Have The Time?
Verse: James 4:14

This whole blog is about teens and what is really important to them. What do they want from you as a parent? And what equals love to them? Time. Suzanne did some studying for a book she was writing and in it she sent out a survey. One question gave the kids a choice between a weekend with their parent or a gift certificate to spend at the mall. Most kids said time with a parent. Are you surprised? I'm not.

B and I worked with youth at our last church...he was the youth guy and I was the admin for all the paperwork side of things ;) We worked with a big group of kids spread across 6 thru 12 grade. We contacted them by email, text, name it! We went to camp and made ourselves available pretty much any time during the summer. Why did we spend our time doing this? Because we knew that kids wanted people to spend time with them. When we were getting ready to make our move, it broke our hearts to leave the kids we had spent so much time with. (We left them in good hands though, don't you worry ;) ) The last lesson we did with them was about love. We wanted them to know that they were loved, that we did everything we did with them out of love and that we would not have had that love, had we not had the relationship we did with God. There were times...oh I could tell you stories. If it were not for the steadfast outpouring of God's love into me...I wouldn't have been able to work with them. But I did. And after this lesson, B and I were both crying and you know were the kids. We had invested so much time in them that they understood, with out words, that we loved them.

This devotion doesn't surprise me. Even now, as we're helping in the kids ministry, we're working with a youth junior leadership team...and what do all the kids want? More time!

This devotion also makes me think of the relationship we have with God. If we could just get a little more time with Him, things would be better. Really, He's there all the time :) He's waiting on us to press pause on the rest of the world to spend some time actually talking to Him. He is that parent sitting next to our bed asking us about our day and waiting patiently to hear us speak. He is consistently reaching out His hand to us...but we have to take it. Kind of a weird flip side isn't it? For those of you that are parents of teens, the devotion challenges you to look at your priorities and really be honest about how much time you spend on them. I know a lot of parents of teens that would spend all the time in the world getting to know their kid better...I also have seen parents not so much as give their child a smile. I know there are hurts in being a parent. I know there are times you want to rip your hair out...and I'm not even a parent yet! lol It may be hard to prioritize time with your teen (or even your 6 year old) because you're taking care of providing for them. Do me a favor? Pray about giving God the timing of your day. Let Him help you through the day to pace you...and He'll open up opportunities to interact with your kids and give them the time that will make them feel loved. now for those of you that don't have kids...pray about giving God the timing of your day as well. Let Him help you through the day to pace you....and He'll open up opportunities to spend time with Him :)

Don't worry...I'm doing it too ;)


Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is the stuff...

I've had this song stuck in my head for the past week or so. Francesca Batistelli - This Is The Stuff. It reminds me of how I can be. How much God uses in my life to teach and shape my character.

I don't lose my keys that often and I don't usually get speeding tickets (let's hope that continues ;) ). I keep singing it at work and even find myself thinking the words through out the day. I don't know what I'm supposed to be getting from having it non-stop in my head...but maybe that's the point? I know I'm learning something, maybe God is just trying to get me to realize that the things I beat myself up over are not the end of the world. The things I let frustrate me really are not all that bad.

So, for the update!

For all of you wondering what I'm doing with all my time now, I'm working! LOL Duh right? (does anybody say duh anymore? I used it a lot when I was younger and find myself wanting to say it...bu thinking, "I'm an adult...I can't say duh...especially not to another adult!"...anyway) My position is pretty much amazing. I love what I do. I'm an admin/media editor/IT/anything else person for a real estate brokerage. Now, you may be asking yourself why I would have taken this kind of position in this economy...well...because it's stable really. The company is actually growing. It's small at the moment but we've already seen growth in a division. We're also not your typical real estate team. It's a much better way of doing business and I really like it.

Brandon and Shauna to be around, great to talk to and all around really good people. I keep telling B that we should just hang out with Brandon :) He's around our age! lol

So, that's what I've been doing. B and I are also super involved in the kid's ministry at church now. It's really a blessing and I'm already seeing personal growth and growth in the kids.

Tuesday night I go to women's connection group...and let me tell you! We have some fun. LOL it really is a great group :)

So, life is full...but don't worry...I'm still reading every day and trying to figure out how to post about it :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Daily Dose

Today the devotional was about filling ourselves up with God and his love...not what we perceive as love.

I need to do a longer post...but I also need to post the update I've been promising for...a month. LOL

So...without further the next post.

Go to for the devotions I read daily (and sometimes blog about) I'll get back to this. I promise. It's on my list of things I know I need to do and will do.

So...what's on my mind?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ah...the ever inconsistant!

Good morning fair readers!

I'm trying to read every day and I have to be honest, my daily dose is really one of the only things I get to every day. I may not get it here, but I do get to reading it :)

Today was about marriage and not dwelling on the past. I'm not sure how many people that really applies to...but we'll see where God takes me.

Today's Title: What's the big deal about dwelling on the past?
Today's Scripture: Isaiah 43:18, 19a

In the devotion Melanie talks about hearing a radio program where a young bride talks about how much she can't understand what's happened in her marriage. She was disappointed and contemplating if she married the right guy, thinking about the guy that got away and ultimately sabotaging her marriage. 

I feel kind of like this goes hand in hand with one of the devos last week. Down farther in the devo she talks about how the young woman got what we all know was coming by calling in...people that agreed with her that her husband was not doing as he should be. That he was 'clueless' and that she was right to second guess her vows. What?!

What kind of message are we sending our kids? That when something doesn't go our way we just quit? That if we don't like the results we don't work harder or look for things that may need a change, we just blame others and cut and run. thank you!

The woman was more focused on what wasn't happening, how much better the other man was while dating...not looking at how to strengthen her marriage. I do agree that there are times when marriages just do not work. One person in the marriage works on it and the other does not...but I hardly believe that that is the norm. I think that we are training ourselves to give up far too easily. This young woman had only been married TWO YEARS!

We can not dwell on the things in the past because that means we are allowing our past to dictate our future. We need to learn from the past, not relive it. We need to focus on what's happening right now and what the future holds. Looking backwards and regretting one choice over another changes NOTHING. It perpetuates some of the worst feelings of inadequacy and not being fulfilled. It makes you feel worse. Your past helped shape your character in one way or another...that is what you should take from it...not a longing for things gone by.

That's the problem I see most. People just do not move on! Learn and live and let God do His thing!

(stepping off the soap box)

This is not something easy. It affects more than just married people. It's hard and it takes a divine hand to make it work and to help shape you in grand ways instead of destructive. will you be shaped? Where will you focus your energies? Ahead of you, or behind you?

Application Steps:
Speak words of blessing to your husband such as, “Our marriage keeps getting better. Thank you for being an awesome husband.” Tell your husband something specific that makes you thankful for him. For example, “Thank you for playing with the kids last night while I took a walk. That was a great break.”
Let your husband overhear you praising him to your kids or to friends.
Send him an email telling him you can’t wait to have some private time with him later that night.
In your prayers tell God how thankful you are for your marriage.

You can change these to fit your situation. I think these are all good ways to remind yourself of the blessing of marriage if you are married though :)

Have I gotten stuck in a damaging pattern of seeing what my marriage lacks instead of seeing the blessings?

When I’m with my friends, do we criticize and complain about our husbands and marriage? Or do we help each other look for and see the “good things” we have?

Do I need to get counseling to help me move beyond unresolved past hurts?



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Daily Dose - 1/18/11

Good afternoon!

Writing while waiting for B to get out of work. read the devo this morning through FaceBook (if you are doing he devo and have a FB, add Proverbs 31, I noticed my email updates were a little slow, so I started going to the FB page, where they upload the daily devo.)

Today's Subject: Do You Think I'm Beautiful?
Verse: Psalm 45:11 "The king is enthralled by your beauty..."

Melanie talks about how we, as women, are intimately tied to the need and want to feel beautiful. That it's something that is part of us from a very young age. Many times this want and need is overshadowed with other duties and other things. We end up telling ourselves to just give up! People tell you to stop, errands come up, you wake up just tell yourself that you will never get that need fulfilled so why try! We know this isn't true, but we convince ourselves. Melanie says, "I think what's more true is this: We don't want to be admired exclusively for our outer beauty, nor do we want it dismissed." We want it both ways...and we definitely want to feel beautiful. She's right when she says that what we really want is someone to see who we really are. The beauty on the outside as well as the beauty on the inside. The whole package!

She then does something very bold...she encourages us to embrace this want, this deep seeded need as something that makes us women. That it is the way God has made us...and that He is the one that fulfill that need.

He sees us in every aspect. To think of God, the creator looking at me and being enthralled by what makes me me...brings a tear to my eye. Remembering the attention I craved from my dad when I was a little girl...even now. How hurtful it can be when that isn't given...and then seeing God, my heavenly Father enthralled by me. He sees me in my room crocheting. He notices when I encourage B, when I help Seth with his homework. He also notices when I do more than run my fingers through my hair.

So why wouldn't I do all of this for the delight of my Father? He sees me and adores me. When setting my mind right, I think I need to look more to the fact that, even though I'm not perfect, I have a Father that looks on all I do and is not disappointed in my efforts but is enthralled by them.

You're about to get a double dose!

So, I started the blog for a day or so ago and never posted it (please read: I walked away, ate dinner and then passed out)

So, here's the dose for today and then I'll post the one from the other day.

Today's Title: Role Reversal
Today's Scripture: Matthew 12:30

Wendy speaks of being a control freak and that tendency expressing itself as trying to make her husband into the spiritual leader she thought he should be. Instead of being quiet and listening and watching God work, she thought she could make it happen.

At this point in the devo...I felt so convicted.

As I was reading, I was in the car with B...he was actually driving me to work this morning. I decided to use that time to read, as I totally feel it when I don't do my devo until late. I read through the information and then a huge knot of guilt twined itself in my throat.

Had I been doing the same thing? Trying to form B into what I thought he needed to be as a spiritual leader. I know that I try to encourage him in his strengths, but do I always just pray and get out of the way? Nope!

She also talks about the fact that she wasn't doing this just with her husband. That there were people that she felt she could work in their lives.

How often does this happen? We pray and then we set to work thinking that we can get it done. God is the ultimate worker. He works on people through us, not the other way around.

I'm thinking this may turn into something on a daily prayer list. That I will remember to listen to the Holy Spirit, to be quiet and wait for those alerts.

B is an amazing man...he puts up with me doesn't he? LOL Seriously though, he works hard, he has an amazing heart for sharing Christ and seeing God touch people's lives. Does he always do it in the most time efficient and societally correct way? No...but that's part of why I love him and changing those parts of him would change who God made him.

I don't want to change him, I want God to work in him. I don't want to change the people I know and love, I want Jesus fill me up so much, that they can't help but be touched by Him. I want the people I care about to be loved by me...not chastised.

So...are we in this together? Can we let go of the controls and step aside so that God can do His thing?

The scripture for today notes, if we're not working with Him, we're working against him...


Monday, January 17, 2011

Pause for warm tea

I do, in fact, immensely enjoy tea. I have found recently (in the colder climes of Fresno) that I really enjoy tea when it is JUST to the point of almost burning your tongue and hands as you enjoy it.

What brought this up? Well, as I sit here with the metal water bottle that B made my tea in this morning, I'm making hot tea again...only it's with really hot water. The feeling of the warm metal was delicious against my cold fingers. It was a bit hard to hold but my hands just could not let it go. I just picked it up to take the first sip and felt the slightly hot liquid melt on my tongue. It was amazing!

So, I'm a fan. Just thought I'd pause for a moment and encourage you to grab your favorite mug and indulge in some warm tea!


Daily Dose

Good morning!

Well, this is not from the phone, but I will keep trying to get that figured out so that I keep up to date daily with the daily dose.

Today's Devo: All of God's Girls Have Issues
Scripture: Romans 8:1

The devotion starts by talking about how Lysa has had great success when she stopped just trying to lose weight and realized that her physical issue was tied to a spiritual one. It's a great journey either way, but this revelation is something key to loving yourself.

When I read her words about how we all beat ourselves up for one this or another, it's easy to say, 'well, I don't do that all that often do I?"

Unfortunately, I do. I look in the mirror sometimes and can't stand what I see. Do I compare myself to other people? Not so much anymore...but I know the pain of it. I know the ache of just wanting to be in a different body for a while. It's a dangerous thought process that I think all women cycle through. Even the women that are 'happy' with the way they look. Pastor Dave did a talk on emotions, especially happiness a couple months ago and I find myself going back to this.

In it he talked about how happiness should not be what we base our opinion of what our life is. Happiness is an emotion, it can leave in and instant and it is really conditional. He said, and I agree, that we should base our lives on joy and seek to be joyful. Jesus said that he would complete our joy. To me, that makes joy very unconditional because no matter the circumstances, I know that Jesus has already made my joy complete, there's nothing more that I need to do for that...except be content. ;)

So with that swimming through my head I'm brought to the other part of the devotion. Lysa talks about how we beat ourselves up mentally. It's amazing to realize that I'm not the only one that does this. :) I beat myself up time and time again for not doing something the right way, not having it all together all the's a problem. Obviously, Lysa is talking a lot about the struggle with weight...but I see it stretching further than just that issue. It's everything.

Here, I think about the lesson that I taught yesterday. The words God gave me to speak to the lives of the kids at church and how, sometimes, I'm the worst and telling myself nice things. The lesson was on encouraging words. How saying nice things and building each other up brings us closer together. That as a church family, God wants that for us. He says that if one of us hurts, all of us do! So, we played a game where we wrote down encouraging words and then had to give them away. The kids has a blast, but in the end the point was that saying encouraging words brings us together, it makes us ONE. Can I say mean things to myself and be one with God? Can I truly be saying mean things to myself and be one with my husband? Or my church family? Or myself? The far reaches of what we say to ourselves hit me full force while reading the devotion today. It was like, 'You're nice to others, you build others up, but you can't do the same for yourself? I don't think that's what God wants for you M...'

Then the powerful words that Lysa has put into black (speaking of Jesus), 'He simply says, “Hey, I love you. I love you just how you are. But, I love you too much to leave you stuck in this. So, let’s work on it together. You can do this.” '

These words ripped through me. They came to the very heart of what I'm doing to myself. I beat myself down and am so hard on myself, demanding perfection and then being depressed when I fail...I'm not working with Jesus, I'm working against his loving spirit.

There's a song that starts, 'He is jealous for me..." Jesus loves me, He's jealous FOR me. The rest of the song goes into how we can't keep thinking about the afflictions of our lives when we're so surrounded by His grace and mercy. Am I truly letting them go and giving them to Jesus when I mentally beat myself up? Am I leaning fully on the strength of that mercy? No.

Application steps: Identify your shortcomings and instead of beating yourself up for them, spend some quiet time giving them to God.

Reflection: What went through my mind when I read, 'He simply says, “Hey, I love you. I love you just how you are. But, I love you too much to leave you stuck in this. So, let’s work on it together. You can do this.” ' Well, you guys have already read that ;)

What are your shortcomings? Are you working with Jesus and leaning on His grace? Or are you taking it away from Him to use against yourself?


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Catching up

Hello masses! LOL

Yes, I have been bad about posting my daily dose this week. I have read it, however, being with the work schedule, I need to figure out how to post about it. I'm not sure how the emailing posts works...but I will be trying it this week.

Keep an eye out. More to come on the new job :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Daily Dose

Written while I eat lunch. A break from the hectic day that I am swimming in. Don't get me wrong. I love what I'm doing, there's just a lot to it. Honestly, I'm thriving.

I failed a bit last week with getting the Friday Daily Dose done...I read the devo and reflected, but every time I went to write the blog or edit what I'd done...I got pulled away. I wonder ? :)

Todays Devotion: Weak Places, Strong Places
Today's Verse: Psalm 18:2a

This devotion is obviously about when we feel weak and those weak places in our lives. Lysa talks about how she hates her weak places and then asks some hard hitting questions about where our weaknesses are. She talks about the fact that God is our shield, in our weak times and strong times. That only He can give up the strengths that we need to get from one situation to the other.

God, I need that strength. I'm listening whole heartedly to that still small voice...and now I need that strength to be a 'yes' person. Dave talked about God wanting us to be willing to make the changes and do the things He has for us...just be willing, God will make it happen. Well, I need the strength to back up all the 'yes' :) I need to pour myself into everything...but first, I need to be poured into!

I do struggle in pretty much all the areas she mentions. We have financial issues, but we can now see the light. It gets easier as you start to really pay things down. I'm struggling a bit with my weight, not as much as I could be, I just HAVE to make sure I keep to the plan and the things I already said I would do. B was so very good last night, when I told him I wanted more salsa he said, "Do you require more salsa or do you just want it?" This totally made me just sit and think and my response ended up being, "Give me a minute to think." That's what I needed! :) Insecurity? Oh yes! That is me to a T...which makes no sense! I can be super secure...then the Devil is in my ear with so many doubts! Family dysfunction? Oh would not even believe if I TOLD you. It's my family though and I love them. I see all these places where I am weak and then I can follow up with the thoughts of where God has led me, where He has given me the strength and He gets it done. I have a HORRIBLE temper, most people have no clue about this, it's stinging and mean and when I get going it doesn't stop. Then I feel horrible...and usually it causes something bad to happen in response. God has been good in helping me with that too though. There have been a couple times when I just couldn't keep my temper...but generally it's ok now.

The application step: Register for Lysa's webcast...there's a link to sign up;)

Reflections: If God is really our shield, are you taking refuge in Him?
Man, that one hurts a bit to answer b/c I know I'm not always that good at this. I'm getting better at really just letting go once I've prayed for something...though there are times that I just pick it right back up again.

In the blog, Lysa suggests that today, you just take a moment to drink in the truth of the scripture. The Holy Spirit is interceding for you, praying for you and filling you. Take comfort and joy from that and just allow it for at least a moment today. I know I will! :)

So...what kind of shield do you use?


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daily Dose

The post is going up late...but better late than never! lol

Today's title: Lonely In Families
Today's Verse: Psalm 68:6

Most of the devo today is about the very key word of 'lonely' in this verse. Marybeth points out that her footnote, well a lot of footnotes actually, say that 'lonely' in the Bible actually means 'solitary'. She goes on to reveal the new meaning that she has found in this verse: God puts us in areas that we are not comfortable in sometimes to grow us into something He thinks is infinitely more beautiful. (my words, not hers) She talks about how you may prefer to be solitary, but God's plan may thrust you into anything but. Marybeth has 6 kids and a husband! That is a lot of people all the time!

When reading this entry I find myself knowing exactly what she means. I feel like I'm always saying that the daily devotion convicts me or speaks to me...but I think that may be why God has answered my cry of, 'how do I become like the woman in Proverbs 31?!?!?' with the devotion from the site.

I know what it's like to want to just turn up the music and plow ahead. Just let me control it all from here in my little box and I'll be fine. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't so Type A it hurts sometimes. B has been amazing in getting me to really let go of needing to control so much. In my business life it can be a double edged sword. How much control is too much? It's very hard to want so much to be alone and working and really not have a choice but to do otherwise.

Am I even making sense? I think a lot of women (especially those with kids!) crave just to crawl away to a solitary place for a while and just get stuff done. I'm not a mom yet and I know the feeling! lol Seriously though, no matter how much we love our families and friends, I think every woman would like to juggle her life in a place of peace and quiet. God has different plans for us though.

This devotion really just brings an answer to a question I've heard myself say twice in the past three days. 'What am I supposed to be doing right now that I have been answered with 'read read read'? Well, I need to get back into my quiet place and really make it quiet place doesn't need to be about getting my list of things done needs to be just like Jesus...and this is going to really tie back to what I've said in two different Daily Doses...PRAY! Go to a solitary place (a lonely place) and talk to God. I think I'm getting the message a little clearer. And wouldn't you know, when I hold up all the reading and devotion commitments that I've made, I get A LOT more done? When I don't fill my day with useless internet browsing but actually work on the things that I have on my plate...I get them all done and have time left over! Wow!

So, I needed more solitary time that didn't revolve around my juggling but around my quality time with my Father! And He made time in the rest of my day. I hear a lot of people say that when they made time for God, He made time for them to get stuff I've done it!

It's freeing and also makes me feel a bit sheepish. I mean, the excuse that I just don't have time...really doesn't cut it for beans anymore ;)

So...when do you take your solitary time? How much time have you given to actually spending with your Father and His Word?


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another fun filled day!

So, I'm sitting here, on the bed...thinking of what I have to do tomorrow and realizing that I still have not crochet since the last time I wrote here that I was going to.  Go me! LOL

I think putting my schedule in place will help, knowing B's schedule will really help...things to get done tomorrow and other things to schedule for another time:

Pictures with children and the Dino Pals
Measurements for Dino Pals
At least two more bows
List bows and flowers
Create pattern for T the Rex, Trix and Stag
Enter the rest of the Connection Group Reading to my calendar
Enter the rest of the New Testament Quest reading to my calendar
Read up on Real Estate
Organize my passwords for work
Label the box for Norma
Ship wedding dress and box for Norma

So, we'll see how all that goes in the next few days.

I'll see you guys on the next post with tomorrow's Daily Dose. Today I've quieted my mind and really read a lot of the Word. I think I'm starting to get a lot more perspective and get a lot more done :) Thanks God!

Now...the plan is for March...what do y'all think? LOL


Daily Dose

Good morning!

This is going to be a quick one as I have already gotten ready and to work today.

Today's devotion is titled : Keeping My New Year Resolution to Myself
Verse: 1 Kings 20:11

In the devotion Glynnis talks of how sometimes, by telling other people that we have a resolution, we take pleasure and have pride in that...instead of actually doing the work to complete it!

This speaks to me in such a different way. Last year, I resolved to drop a few pounds (I'll explain why I don't say 'lose weight' in a later blog sometime), I told my then fiance and probably my sister. Other than that, I didn't say anything to anyone. I just started eating better and getting up at the crack of dawn to get some physical stuff in. God was so good to me. I did well. I ate better and though I needed encouragement, I did get up every morning. I started to see results...and then I started to tell people. And that was when I started to struggle. I was trying to keep from eating any sort of sweets for at least 3 months...FAT CHANCE! I ended up making excuses.

I think we do the same thing with God sometimes. I'm reading in the New Testament with B (it's a church wide activity) I think I talked about this already, but in Mark 1, we see that Jesus goes and prays by himself. He doesn't tell anyone that he's going to go talk to God or anything like that. In fact, the verse talks about how Jesus did it while it was still dark! Man! And he was the SON OF GOD! If anyone should get a by for's HIM!

So, I want to be the woman God is calling me to be. Seek Him first, work diligently so that others see His glory and be so full of His love that others can't help but feel it.

Father, help me be like Christ. Help me to seek you quietly because it doesn't really matter how many people know, if I'm not doing it, that's between you and me. Help me to keep me accountable. Amen.

Work? Work!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And the beat goes on!

Exciting things happening right now :)

I'm on my break here at Yager. Getting a lot done today though so I think it's been productive :)

Posting more of my items to Etsy, hopefully they'll start doing the slideshow thing on that little gadget down there :)

I'm getting really excited as I start to get things posted to the shop. I already have an ad with 3 new toys coming soon, lol. I did NOT; however, crochet this morning...what did I do? I went to sleep while reading my Bible! LOL yeah. Not going to get it done that way! I think I'll do some different holiday specific stuff. If I can figure out a heart design for a hat...maybe just a heart to stitch on. Some heart pot holders...little heart decorations. I'll figure something out. This will be the first year of actually having things up and going. I know I'll learn a lot. I need to scale down my pictures though. Etsy does not like them. LOL

So...what would you like to see me make? Any ideas just jumping out at you? Anything that you couldn't live without?

Let me know!


Daily Dose

Good morning! Yes, it is in fact 4:40 in the morning! :)

Though I haven't gotten the email with the devo for today, I do know what the subject is. (Thank you KLove for having Lisa as your fill in host for Lisa while she's gone :) )

Today the whole devotion is about craving. Do you crave Christ? I think as a Christian, we all know this feeling...we may not even know it!

How many times have I been doing something and reached for food when I wasn't really hungry? When I didn't really need to eat? Or how many times have I reached for the cinnamon gummies instead of the apple? It's a struggle. A lot of Lisa's talks are about losing weight, she's written a book and it's all about the right reasons behind weigh loss and setting your mind and soul right before deciding why you're doing something.

I think those principles speak volumes to those of us that have made a commitment to read more of the Bible, to spend more time in the Word or praying...and then fail. You're craving Christ, you're craving and then making excuses when life gets in the way instead of really setting Him first. Look at my days! We've seen me miss almost an entire week of blogging my Daily Dose b/c life got in the way. I still read it...but did I meditate on the things that God was speaking to me? Did I read through it and not take in a word b/c I was also going through the other 20 things I was going to be doing that day? I'm ashamed to admit that last one really...but I have to, because it's truth and God knows it already anyway.

I know I'm human...I just strive to be like Christ. I was doing the reading for church last night in Mark 1 (btw when I reference this now, it's that my church, The Quest, is trying to, as a church, read through just the New Testament in a year) and I came across the verse Mark 1:35, " Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." (NIV) Jesus spent time with the Father...Christ talked to God alone. If I'm trying to be like Christ, isn't this thing one of the most important. Christ was fully God ...He was also fully man and in that, he prayed...early in the morning, alone.

So, the next time I reach for comfort, it'll be the Bible, I have plenty of reading to do :)

What's your crutch?


Monday, January 3, 2011

The store is active!

Yes, it has been a while! I have my first item up, to be followed by the dinos and finger puppets. I think I need to create areas of the store. I'm working on smelly stuffs to go along with the comfy stuff :)

Areas to work on:

Pandamonium - kids and colors
Serendipity - adult comfies
Sweet Maize - smelly fun

We'll see.

I need to put together my schedule for my day, especially at work....oh! What's that? I didn't really explain here that I have a new job and I love it? I see! Well, that is one of my new ventures! I am now an admin for a real estate company! Yes, I hear you. I know what you're thinking,

"M!! Real Estate?!!? In this economy?! You MUST be crazy! And...don't we remember what happened at WWA!? You were turned into the admin person and then POOF!"

Well, rest assured I went into this telling them that I wanted something TOTALLY stable. That I needed to have proof that they were going to be around for a long while. Well, my proof was that they are listing people and selling houses. They have buyers coming in left and right and are getting more and more properties going up daily. The business model is amazing and...AND...he's willing to pay for me to get my license. Which, really, only makes sense with the stuff that I handle in this job. It's really fun and interesting and it really is a perfect fit. God is good at that whole plan thing...much better than I! LOL

My day tomorrow should go something like this:

Get up and fix B lunch
Drive B to work (he has to be there by 4am)
Daily Dose
Daily reading (for connection group and church reading)
Work on lesson
Crochet something
Pack my lunch
Head to work (I'd list my day at work, but that could get lengthy!)
Home at 5ish
Work on lesson more
Crochet more
Cuddle my husband and go to SLEEP!

Sounds like a good day of getting stuff done to me! Lord, be in my day tomorrow and help me to use my time wisely! :)

Now, I am being beckoned to bed by a wonderful man...and I CAN NOT resist him! :)

I will see you tomorrow friends!


Daily Dose

It's a bit late in the day..but I'm here. I've eaten dinner, worked...and now to share some time on the subject of my devotion today.

The title was Honestly

Key verse: 1 Timothy 4:15

Most of this devotional is about food...eating. But it's also about seeking God and His will first. Instead of grabbing for that bag of M&Ms or the container of Jelly Beans...reach for your Bible, open up the pages that will really set you free. I've found that when I do this, I eat better. I'm filling myself up spiritually before even thinking about food. I think I need to schedule myself a little better. I've got so much that I want to do and I can get it done...I just need to spend my time on things that glorify Him...not me. I need to seek Him first and let the rest just fall into place like He wants them to.

If I were only better about doing this EVERY day. LOL As you've seen, I've gotten backed up on other things and not done this every day as I should...and I've had time. I know I have...when I sit down and look at what I've accomplished it's not's certainly not as much as I should have...and then I remember that I do need to rest...but in the right proportions.

Father, I need help. I need to set my schedule and life straighter than it's ever been. I need to stretch and grow in ways that I have neglected thus far. Make me strong in you...not just to beat the things that are holding me back, but to also provide the support you've called me to give. Amen

I'm also contemplating starting "Power of a Praying Wife" which is something that will happen a few pay checks down the road :)

On to talk about other excitements...this is not the place ;)