Sunday, December 4, 2011

Things we stop doing as adults

I'm working on snacks for the 3 - 5 age group right now. I realized that when I was a kid, we had BOXES AND BOXES of raisins. I'm not saying that I don't eat them now, but I just remember asking my mom if I could have a snack and then being directed to the raisins. I have them in salads...and muffins...but I don't buy raisins just to snack on them...they go in things now.

Why do we stop eating raisins as adults? Is it the sticky bits left on our fingers? Is it our concern for being clean and not eating with our fingers? I watch 6 to 16 kids between the ages of 3 and 5 scarf down raisins, almost on a weekly basis. (Hey, they're small and still a really good snack when paired with water and ritz or cheese or something like that.) Now, there are the kids that don't like them, but I know a girl who can pack away two full packages if I let her.

Why do we also have such an issue eating with our fingers as adults? We're taught when we're little to use our fingers because the knife and fork are a little much for mom and dad to think of us using at that point. By the time you got to my class age, you probably have a soft plastic spoon and fork that you used...but still, old reliable is that finger and thumb combo. Why do we loose that as adults. I know people that are so concerned with being proper that they look down their nose at people enjoying good BBQ.

When did it become so wrong to enjoy getting a little messy? If you ask me, we all need to embrace that child inside us and go jump in some puddles without a care for the clothes we're wearing. Maybe grab a good handful of dirt...or pick up a rollie pollie! Come a little mess so much of a bad thing if you're experiencing life?

So...this went down a bunny trail I wasn't expecting.

We had our last volunteer meeting of the year today. 3 of our 30 or so volunteers showed up. The holidays have people all twisted up. This next year is going to mean a lot of change for the kid's ministry. We're rolling out some very important things. I'm drafting an email with the notes from the meeting and then sending a share link to the MindMeister map of the ministry as Brian and I see it. It's a little big.

Praying for a lot of things right now.

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