Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple...

Today, I feel energized and like we're making some progress toward the future.

Some ideas rolling around in the old noggin' while I think of how to get them all in a form to share. Think I might have figured it all out though...we'll see :)

I'll share here when I have it all done, promise!

Anyway, the title to this blog comes from a song I used to sing at the top of my lungs, as fast as I could when I was in Sunday School. The rooms for our ministry are going to be turned in to colorful kid areas...and this song just popped into my head as I was thinking about them :) What a bright and beautiful rainbow we have. What color and beauty we have in our lives.

Such an exciting time to be in this ministry as it builds. Is it bad that I want to do it all RIGHT NOW? It's just so clear in my mind :) Wish there were a way to connect the computer directly to the pictures in my brain. It would be so much easier that way:)

Today, I started with what I should have, I prayed :) Spent the time I should with the most important relationship in my life. And it showed me so much. Can't help but be so very humbled and thankful for everything. The amazing husband I've been blessed with, the wonderful family and great church. It's so much more than I could have done on my own. :)

What are you thinking of today as you go through the day?

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