Friday, December 17, 2010

Daily Dose

I got rocked today. Go check out the devotional at I am convicted and humbled. You should have heard the rant I had at B.

God is infinite and so good. His word is strong...even when we get in the way and try to make it up.

I just feel like we over complicate. We try to dress up the message we have inside us. We have to look a certain way and offer a certain thing...but aren't we really just offering Christ? We're offering a relationship with us that is so filled with Christ that the people we come in contact with can't help but feel Him.

Out reach is one thing, but straight up I think we're doing our friends, family and kids a disservice when we worry more about if we have enough 'tech' in our lessons. You know what convicts me the most? That people in 3rd world countries are changing more people's lives and leading more people to Christ than we are here...and all they have sometimes are tin roofs and a Bible...a voice and body filled with the Holy Spirit and a willingness to surrender themselves and let God do His thing.

I'm between tears and a rage! What my heart's desire is, is to create a curriculum that teaches and point the kids to Christ week after week. Earth shattering ideas that are simple just like those in the Bible. Now, some of you may give me a hard time saying that the deep theological things in the Bible are not simple...and to you I say I both agree and disagree. Was it not Jesus that said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14, if you were wondering)

This has to mean that we have to make ourselves like children and that the ideas in the Bible can not be as hard as we think they are. Yes, they'll take some time to work up to...and hard work is something we're promised in the Bible actually...but it's God's words, spoken and alive that will change people and get into their souls! No amount of lights or programs or events. Those get the people there, they get the people in the seat...and then, if you're not speaking the Word plainly, if you're not making it a direct line to Christ each're doing it all for the wrong reason.

We don't change people with lights and program...if God needed that then the tin roofs and wooden benches would do nothing in the lands where thousands of people are getting baptized in the water and Word.

Aaaaaaah...I'm so...taken by this now! God had shaken me and hit me harder than I think He's ever done before. He's rocking my world right now...b/c even though these are things I have always thought, He's bringing me to my knees to share make it happen and to rage until He's heard.

When God gets a hold of out.

I've written the blog...what now God? How do I do it?


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